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Chataqua questions

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2003
A few questions...

1) how long is training
2) what is the pay during training
3) is the hotel provided
4) where are new hires being based
5) how long are new hires on reserve
6) is there a probabtionary period
7) how is to work there

any help is greatly appreciated

First off the spelling is Chautauqua, and the other thing that I know is I have been updating resumes there for about 6 months and have heard nothing from them. I am not trying to sound bitter, thats just the deal. I would love to work for them. CYA

Here we go,

1. It used to be about 6 weeks. They have restructured training so I don't know for sure what it is.

2. Per deim is all you get. $125 per week.

3. Yes. Double Tree by the airport in STL. 2 people per room.

4. You can get into any base you want within a month or two.

5. Reserve will depend on your base. I don't think it is very long. Maybe 2 or 3 months.

6. Yes, probation is 13 months or your first recurrent or upgrade.

7a. Great place to work. No matter what you hear from the morons at other airlines our contract is better than most if not all. 12 days off minimum, no junior manning, 12 hour reserves with almost zero hot reserve, upgrades are about 2 years, no props (they are for boats), great variety of flying, new contract coming soon (this will address the pay issue, the company is making huge profits so we will noy settle for anything less than top of the industry). The people you work with day to day are great, anyone of them would give a fellow pilot (from any company) the shirt off their back.

7b. Downside is pay (first two years FO pay is low 19.96 and 24.?) but will hopefully be fixed with the new contract. Our CEO B. Bedford is a scumbag, a lair, and a religous fanatic. He was the one responsible for firing 125 pilots after 9-11. Yes that is firing not furloughing. He fills his weekly update with a surmon, a real pain in the ass to have to read around and I think just a cover for what he is really doing. A bit like a preist he is distracting you with his positive message of family values while he is making the youngsters who don't know any better take it up the rear. And he is too cheap to spring for the astroglide. They open and close bases too often. Many bases are not very commutable, especially the new ones. We have a current battle for a new contract and a seprate battle to stop a Freedumb like alter-ego called Republick.

That about sums it up. Any more questions. Get your stuff in soon. Senoirity is everything.

Good luck.

Oh, by the way, they ask you if you can spell Chautauqua at the interview. It's a deal breaker.
"We have a current battle for a new contract and a seprate battle to stop a Freedumb like alter-ego called Republick."

Please be assured that this is not flame bait, just an honest question. searching around websites and I went to the Chautauqua one.


It says you are a republic airways company. Are you two separate companies? what does republic fly if you are?
Republic Airlines Holding is the name they intend to use for their IPO. It is just a shell that was created by Wexford investment group. RAH currently only holds Chautauqua.

When CHQ pilots voted down jets4blowjobs management began the process of creating an alter-ego carrier to side step our vote and to use against us during negotiations to keep labor costs down. That airline was to be called Republic Airlines. We have been told by our lying management that the only reason they tried to start Republick was for j4j. To stop them from creating a lower paying airline that would compeat against us for any future flying (the pilot group that works the ceapest gets the growth), we revoted on a newer version of j4j. When it was approved we contacted alpa at USAirways and they isssued a letter to their management stating that they would not approve any of the jets going to Repubick. That should have been the end of Republick. Our scumbag lair management jagoffs are still telling us that they are getting airways flying and that they are going ahead with the creation of Republick. They claim now that it will be used to get contracts that CHQ connot get because of our deals with our current codeshares. Anyway they try to do it we will fight it. Maybe with a single seniority list.

Any way you slice it Republick airlines is a bad thing and if you are thinking you want to work there you better live in Louiville KY or you will not be able to get a ride to work. You can look back on these boards and see how the guys at Freedumb where going to be treated. Should be about the same for Republick guys.

How's that for a long answer to a simple question?

Short version - Republic holdings owns Chautauqua and wants to start a second airline they will call Republic Airlines.
J4j is a program that Alpa started to help their furloughed guys. It would relax scope for USair to allow them to catch up with the rest of the industry on the number of RJ's they operate at the wholely owned and contract carriers. The problem that most regional pilots had with the program was that 50% of the new jobs created would go to USairways furloughed pilots who would then get super seniority, furlough protection, and much higher pay rates. That didn't sit well with anyone since it was USair who wouldn't try to help regional pilots with a flow through but now wants a flow back. Also if our airlines can pay higher rates we all want them not just these USair guys. That is B scale pay all over again.
"No matter what you hear from the morons at other airlines our contract is better than most if not all. "

O.K. settle down Francis.

And I thought it was spelled "Chit Taco"
LearLove said:
"No matter what you hear from the morons at other airlines our contract is better than most if not all. "

O.K. settle down Francis.

And I thought it was spelled "Chit Taco"

OK LearLove.

I have ready many of your comments. You must be one of the most unhappy pilots on these forums. Everything you say is negative. Remember "If you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all." You may want to try and apply that philosophy to future posts.

Is your airline failing? Is your life unhappy? Do you not enjoy flying? Do you just hate all airlines but your own?

I work for CHAUTAUQUA, and I am proud of it. If you do not like our company that is your option. But if you take a look at posts from fellow Chautauqua pilots you may notice a trend. We all enjoy working for this company. Although its not perfect, they do hire the correct personality types to make work enjoyable.

Sorry you are unhappy.
I think Ismokedya gave a pretty good post that answered modecontrols question very well. He was fair about the company's goofy management and broke down alot for him. I can't tell you how many so called great regionals don't put you up during training. I spoke to a furloughed friend of mine who interviewed there a couple of weeks ago and his words were that it was a friendly place with a good pilot group and working conditions that would provide a good living and life style. I don't think it is fair to group the Chautauqua pilots with other so called low pilot groups.

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