What do training companies look for in the CFIs they hire? just a rating? or do most have a certain number of hours that they require before taking on an employee? I'd like to be an instructor as a side job during college.
The best advice I can give you is get your CFI with the school you want to work with.
CFI requirements vary. These days in some places, its hard to get anyone to consider you with less than 500tt. They might pick your brain to find out what you know during the interview. So don't sell yourself short during training.
It depends on the employer. Some places will hire CFIs who have only their wet temporaries. Others, such as Mesa Airlines Pilot Development require more experience. The foreign airline schools, such as International Flight Training Academy require a little more experience, though it's surprising at the low time they will hire.
If you train at a school or an FBO, chances are you might be hired to instruct after you finish. That policy varies from school to school and FBO to FBO, so check it out thoroughly before you commit the bucks to one for training.
You probably would be looking to instruct at an FBO, so getting hired will depend more on being at the right place at the right time and less on your quals. If you are the enterprising type, you can always market yourself and be an independent instructor and be your own employer. It's not nearly as easy as it sounds.
Hope that helps. Good luck with whatever direction you take.
Hey,Grunt! You changed your face, Man! I liked the other one better.
AxisVDP, yeah, your best bet is to do the CFI training where you wanna work. That would have to also be in or very near the same place you wanna go to college, yeah?
TIP: You only get hired by the flight school where you get your training if you are a GOOD STUDENT.
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