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Captains flying right seat...

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2006
Recently the carrier I fly for had Captains flying Right Seat to make up for a shortfall in FO's.
To be specific,
-Captains were offered Captain pay at 150% to volunteer to fly as First Officers.
-Reserve Captains were assigned First Officer positions from open time.

My question is this,
I would like to know what the other Majors, LCC's, Cargo and Regionals policy is on Captains filling in for a shortfall in First Officers.

At my old job, you had to have had a PC in the right seat within a year to fly as a FO if you were a Captain. Check Airman did their PC's from both seats.

This is actually a serious question and I'm trying to compile data on what everyone does.
I have a feeling it's based on who the POI is, and what's in the contract..
If you would PM me with the info, I would appreciate it. I am doing this on my own, without the knowledge, help or advice of my union or my airline.

Thanks for the help.

[email protected]
Lets see, 150% of your captain pay to sit in the right seat, the "real" captain gets paid his normal rate and takes all the responsibility. Where do I sign up??

Where the problem lies, is captains that sit in the right seat, have to let the guy in the left seat be the PIC, and some egos just can't accept this.
There is only one PIC, get over it! If you can't fly from the right seat, you have no business in the left. JMHO.
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All of our captains had to do a takeoff and landing from the right seat at every recurrent so in the event that they had to sit right seat they were legal. It is a pretty common thing to do.
We do that as well, as far as right seat work on PCs. Capts get used as FOs frequently here, paid at whatever your regular capt's pay rate is, no bonus, no attaboy, just no PIC if that's a factor for you. Personally, I don't care what seat I'm in, just so I get the paycheck, and if I'm in the right seat (which happens fairly often as a bottom side of the list capt), I don't care who's in the left getting the PIC time. I think most of us are of a similar mindset, but in the past, we had a few who had trouble with it. They're pretty much gone now. Generally, the senior capt will get the left seat, unless he's feeling charitable and maybe lets one of us whippersnappers get some more time, but if a lineholder is the junior capt of the two, they'll generally keep that capt in the left and assign the more senior guy to the right.

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