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Calling all Mesa pilots

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Sep 18, 2002
I was just wondering how you guys feel about the MPD thing, and if any headway was made in the contract? Last question, does anyone know if freedumb is getting all mesa’s RJ.
#1 - Dont know much about MAPD, do some searching on the board. Sounds like a good program. I think Mesa is only hiring the MAPD guys now (To meet the quota).

#2 - Contract is coming along, who knows how long it is going to be. They have been negotiating the last 2 weeks, with more to come in the future. Even heard JO (MAG CEO Jonathan Ornstein)showed up last week.

#3 - Freedom isnt getting all of Mesa's RJ's. They are getting the CRJ 700/900 's. Rumor is on the street, Freedom is having a hard time in the proving runs, and they are going to put the 700's on Mesa's certificate. However, the answer to your question is no "freedumb" is not getting all Mesa's RJ's, they are stealing the CRJ 700/900 flying.

Hope this helps.
Training Contract, etc...

Hey Buddro, et.al.,

I got a good vibe that I may get a call from Flight Options. Anybody have an idea about Mesa's Training Contract? I recently came over from Air Midwest from the BE-1900D to the ERJ. Just wondering if I jump ship if I'm going to have to "lawyer up" on the contract.

Regarding Freedom... I've head that the 70 seaters are having problems with FADECs. Also heard that the Training and maintenance certificates were not approved by the feds.

Lastly, if and when we get a new contract... does anybody have an idea what we can expect to get? I hope it isn't in line with the new FA contract... they got an extra $00.01 per hour per diem.

scare tactic

my understanding is training contracts are un-enforceable. I was threatened with one many years ago outside of the airlines, I told the company to go **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** themselves and never heard another word. It has been 15 years.

mesa traditionally has had bigger fish to fry than chase after paper that isnt worth the ink it was printed with. I know dozens of mesa pilots that broke contracts, not one has ever gotten called.
Your post speaks volumes about you, sir. Great ... just great .... :eek:


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