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Call out times.

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2005
So this may seem like a dumb question, but there seems to be some confusion about what exactly is a Call out time (at least where I am). May be some would like to share what kinds of call out times you have, what that means.

For Example:

1 hour call out means you need to report to the airport in 1 hour from the time the call is made.

A company on the east coast told their pilots they had a 2 hour call out. But, later it was figured out that that ment 2 hours from phone call to "block out time." Which to me, that seems like a 1 hour call out. But I could be wrong.

Just wanted to see what you all were doing. Lets get this figured out.


Term can be confusing, so we don't use it. In order to assure we have effective connunications, we state "show time" and "departure" or "pax pickup" time.

If staff show up late because everyone defines a "time" different, things go wrong. We are air medical, so we have like 6+ all depending on good communiations, being on-time, etc.

Just my 2 cents.
2 hours seems standard for most operators I talk to even the 91 ops that are on call. 2 hours being from the time the clock starts and dispatch says go to the time the plane is blocking out.
What no one has the 20 minute call out?, 45 minutes from page to block out.
We have a 2-hour departure call out. From the time we are notfied of the trip to engine start is two hours. That can mean a 1 hour call out or a 1 1/2 call out depending on how fast you can get the plane ready to go!
International trips: 3-4 hours from page to block out.

PAX/Ambo trips: 2 hours from page to block out.

Freight: 45 minutes from page to block out with an ocasional 35 min callout, somtimes were lucky and get an hour!
it's 1 hour call to block out (basically 30 minutes to show at the airport) for air ambulance. Quite the change from the airlines. The 90 minute to show reserve time and when you go on call the duty clock starts was nice... none of this on call at 5 am but if we call you at 4 pm you show at 4:30 pm then that is when your 14 hours actually starts bs.
2 hour call out

We have a two hour call-out. Gives me just enough time to finish my beer, brush my teeth and stumble into the cock-hic-pit
pilotyip said:
What no one has the 20 minute call out?, 45 minutes from page to block out.

When I was a freight puppy, Company was always trying to convince me that the 45 minutes starts when they hang up the phone from booking the gig. If they didn't page me until 20 minutes later, that was supposed to be MY problem. NOT!!

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