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CAL to charge for food

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" unsold perishable food"

I believe, NO...I know, at restaurants they call that "garbage". Seriously.

What a lovely Industry this has become.



P.S. - We used to get a choice of 1-3 different specific Crew Meals on every flight. Or, you could just have some of the passenger meals, sandwiches, etc. We bitched about it mostly, but some of it was pretty good. And, I can remember bringing 20-50 uneaten pax sandwiches ( pre-packaged and individually sealed ) home at a time and freezing them. Yum-Yum when you came home from the local establishment and the microwave beckoned....Turkey, Ham, or Roast Beef and Cheese on a nice Brioche. Delightful. Oh...and Kids loved them too in their lunch box.
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At Delta, crews get to have the unsold perishable food (salads, sandwiches, etc.).

ha that will never happen at CAL. We might get it at a discount on the food and then the company will tell us what a great thing they have blessed us with.
At Delta, crews get to have the unsold perishable food (salads, sandwiches, etc.).
There aren't enough congressional investigations to uncover all the "say what?!" moments in this business now.

Ever hear of non-diabetic hypoglycemia?


Someone's blood sugar's going to crash, they'll do the 72-hour history, and . . .

Say what?! There is no food available to a pilot on a six hour coast to coast flight?

Add this to the Say What?! regarding double commutes and then starting a 16-hour duty day.

And the Say What?! the pilot only had 8:45 from when he set the parking brake last night until he released it this morning--and he's rested?!

How did he wait for 170 pax to deplane, run the checklist to put the plane to bed, walk out to get the van, call the hotel for the van that is not there, take the van to the motel, eat when there were no restaurants open, get up in time to get breakfast with no restaurants open, get the van to the airport, go through airport security, do the paperwork, preflight the plane....and, Say What?! he's fully rested? When did he sleep and how much sleep could he possibly have gotten. Oh, he gets to rest after the flight. Yea, that makes me feel better. How about he be rested for this flight.

And now there's no food?
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