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C077 and VFR departures

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Junior Mint
Jan 8, 2003
does any one have any documentation that qualifies C077 terminal vfr departures?

C077 states that if there is no control tower and no way to pick up a clearance on the ground that departure VFR is authorized.

So does this mean just radio? what if I can pick up a clearance with a cellphone?

c. Terminal departures VFR at airports which do not have operating ATC control tower and it is not otherwise possible for the flightcrew to obtain an IFR clearance to depart on an IFR flight plan the
flight may take off and depart under VFR provided all the following conditions are met.


I found my answer in the 8400.10

(1) It is recognized that the IFR infrastructure at
certain locations may not always support an expeditious
departure environment. If the certificate holder is able to
show that it is just as safe to depart on a VFR flight plan at
certain IFR airports, they may apply for a nonstandard
OpSpec prescribing VFR departure procedures for that
airport. For procedures to apply for a nonstandard OpSpec
authorization, see Volume 3, Chapter 1, Section 2.



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