Well, this is now dated. I've been out for 3 years. However, when I left ADW was in the process of getting rid of their C-21s and COS unit was the only C-21 unit left.
Yes, extremely difficult as any guard/reserve unit. You've got to really show intent to be a permanent fixture there. As you know, you've got to get to know the folks in the unit. No showing up for an interview and expecting to get it. Showing up for their drill weekends, etc is the place to start. But you know the routine for getting hired so I won't remind you.
Yep, a great jet. I think I even fly the Bus like it was a Lear. Just put it where you want it to be kind of mentality.
Hope this helps, but honestly I think COS is the only one left.
Happy landings
Peterson AFB has the only guard C-21A unit, and it is booked solid. The airline situation has sent many of the part timers looking to work full time. They probably won't have an opening for a long time...I keep trying myself, but to no avail.
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