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BY Pass pay at NJA

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650 driver

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2004
So for a new hire at Netjets how many years for the Captains BY-Pass pay to start?
Still 5-7 years?
I dont care about upgrade, but asking about the BY-Pass pay.

I realize the recent event was a one time occurance.

I'm fairly certain that the new contract will force pilots that are currently drawing bypass pay to have a standing bid to upgrade. There's 600 pilots that have to upgrade before anyone gets to try. Add to it, the PICs bidding into other aircraft and you're looking at a long wait to get some more money.
Don't think it will matter much after the contract is done. There will be a payscale for people with three stripes and a payscale for people with four stripes. No more bypass pay.
Let's just get to the heart of the question shall we ? Nutjets plans on paying all newhire FO's around $30k a year for about 5 to 8 years... If you come here with this knowledge, you have NO right to beeeotch about your financial woes. Just say no and go get a real job.
When are people going to learn!!!


If you have enough time to apply here then you should already be at a commuter or a corporate gig.

Either one are a hundred times better that this place. Heck, this place probably wont be around in 5 or 10 years anyhow.

If this is your only option then that is a different story.

There will be no upgrades in 18 to 24 months. It will easily be atleast 3 to 4 years min. We had a few people upgrade because of a concerted effort to get the remaining pilots at the bottom of the seniority list on by-pass pay.

Dont make the same mistake we all made.
Adding to this thread, a 800xp/c bid just went to 2 guys under 200 on the seniority list, from different fleets. People will be moving because most of us have been off seat locks for a long time and are just waiting for the CBA to get sorted out. Newbies can expect a long time at FO pay, whatever that is in the next contract. Right now you can go straight to the food stamp office after indoc.
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By pass pay is in its last days. The effort to get by pass for the FO/FO's who had been with the company for almost two years was huge. I feel for our new FO's but the effort now is towards the new cba. A new contract with solid wages for FO's is their best bet at this point.
A little history first.

By-pass pay is for a first officer who bids captain and receives it who in turn is junior to other first officers. Those First officers senior to the bidder who did not bid the captain slot will now receive the same pay raise. Its a little more complicate than that but I am giving you the jist.

The reason it PROBABLY wont happen again is because it was sanctioned by Strong Union prior to getting elected. You see, they had quite a following prior to being elected so when pilots suggested we all let the junior f/o bid the captain slot and they agreed people went along with it. That and a handfull of pilots called all the f/o's and captain's they could to ask them not to bid for that particular slot so the most junior f/o, at the time, could receive it.

Anything sanctioned by the current MEC could be viewed as an illegal work action considering we are in mediation.

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