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Building multi engine time, need advice!

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2002

I'm getting to the point where I don't know how much longer it will take to get that hard to get ME. I got my MEI last September, and am still waiting for my first ME student. I have some that will eventually do, but it will give me 30 hours or so between now and June (I'm at 73 now).

I have sent my resume to 135 freight companies, with no success yet. My wife thinks I should consider to just get into a time building rental place like Ari-ben and take it as a good investment. My argument is that employers don't necessarily like pilots who paid for their ME time! I really need advice because I don't see the end of this. Am I going to jeopardize my chances to get a job when they see in my logbook that I got myself a 100 hours block of ME time? How many of you did that and are getting jobs? Do other pilots see buying ME block time the same as those first officer programs (which I will NOT do)?

Thanks for any advice on that subject. I am sure that I am not the only one in that situation and would appreciate any input from others who were in that situation.


Get the multi time anyway that you can. If you want to be competitive you will need at least another 100 hours of multi time. I wouldn't worry too much about how your future employer will feel about how you got your time...bottom line is that you will have enough to get the job! Good luck!
I went to ari-ben a little over 2 years ago. Not the greatest place in the world, and Ft. Pierce is a dump. But it turned out to be a good investment. I went down there in the beginning of feb, 2001. spent about 2 weeks there came home, sent out apps. and a week later was in groundschool for a regional in the northeast. That regional helped me get hired into a larger regional where I am now.

In neither interview did they ask where I got the multi-time. I've been on other interviews(ACA, Allegheny) and they didn't ask me either.

It will be a crapshoot though, especially nowadays. When I went down hiring was still good, so 150hrs ME time was almost a guaranteed interview somewhere. Nowadays its anyones guess. Your total time looks good but 175 hrs in recip. a/c may not be enough??

My buddy has 1500/500ME time and he finally got an interview call from Chautauqua. But he was with Allegheny for about a month before they furloughed.

If you can afford the 5-6K then I'd do it, if not its really a gut call.
I went to Ari-Ben as well. I really enjoyed it and would recomend it. The problem is that the competetive multi hours for a job have really increased. I currently have 500+ multi hours and am being told that although I meet the minimums, there are so many more pilots out there looking for jobs with more multi time. Good Luck.

CRJ Flyer, did your buddy give up his number with Alleghney? What are his plans?
I went to Ariben in May 2002. Like CRJflyer said, the place was a dump, but the flying was some of the best experience I ever got-- all night, 30 hours of actual (it's 1000 overcast or lower every night in FL). I flew 100 hours in 10 days, and started sending out resumes immediately. I interviewed with my first regional in early July. They said, "Ah, I see you bulked up on multi engine time a couple of months ago." They still offered me a job (which I turned down). The second regional I interviewed with didn't even ask about when or where I got the time. I don't think anyone really cares how you got the time as long as you've got the time.

If I had to do it all over again, I would still go to Ariben. Crappy place, but good flying-- and CHEAP!
Hey all you ARI-BEN time builders. Did TJ ever come on to you? Would you do her if she did? Went out drinking with her one night and I probably could'vehad her if I really tried. Anyone else ever get close?
I could hardly tell what TJ looked like with that cloud of cigarette smoke that engulfed her.

What I did see was a 50 year old woman trying to look 20. I think I'll pass.:D

i'll pass on TJ, haha, good question though....My buddy interviews on the 20th, i asume he would give it up if asked, flying the dash vs. the erj..plus chautauqua is a better place to be right now....Allegheny has been giving him "false hope" of a callback for some time now. And unfortunately he has been kinda dormant in his search for a job because of this..

well, now that i think of it i wouldn't turn down a bj from her...

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