Your timing just could not have been better for what you want to do, I am of the opinion that the next decade will be great for contract work (reason that prompted me to make the jump to this kind of work and not start over at the bottom of the pile with the offer I had) most of the companies that employ foreign crews are improving their pay packages (Emirates, Cathay, Qatar, here at Air Japan although they haven't increase the pay package now they are offering the option of 14 days off in a row, and many of the Chinese carriers) to attract qualified crews, those companies that decided to lower their contract packages late in the game (they should have done it right when the world economy took a dive and not a couple of years into it) Like NCA, or Singapore Airlines are paying now for their lack of foresight, at NCA for example they thought that they would have an unlimited supply of cheap crews with the displaced JAL pilots and it didn't turn out to be that way, first not as many pilots came from JAL as they thought and they have had a steady stream of resignations as pilots are taking their heavy wide body command time elsewhere for higher pay and conditions, the same thing at Singapore, they are having a lot of trouble right now to crew their flights with many cancellations due to lack of crews according to some friends I have working there. There are some new projects starting as well, Peach airlines is the new LCC from ANA that will start operations early next year and for what I hear they already have hired the pilots from JAL that they wanted and there will be opportunities in the future for ex pats, Jetstar (LLC from Qantas) will start a base here in Japan and they are hiring continuously for their Jetstar Asia base in Singapore, use the next couple of years before you retire there to study the market and watch what is going on, I believe you will have a few choices when you are ready. The only thing that I want to make point to tell you is to also take the next couple of years to bring all your physical numbers in order (cholesterol, blood pressure, weight) because the medical checks are NASA like out here.
Good luck with your future plans