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Best Combat Flight Sim for the PS2/PC

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2003
Does anyone know what the best combat flight sim is for the PS2 and for the PC? Ive played Ace Combat 4,which is pretty bad azz,but has anyone played Aero Elite or Lethal Skies II? Ace Combat 5 is coming out later this month and looks pretty cool,as well as Pacific Heroes. I have Janes F-15 for the PC,but its older then dirt.

Well, I'm no expert, and even though I used to be way into flight sims and stuff like that, I'd have to say that ANYTHING on PS2 or any game console can't really be called more than an arcade game. You need a keyboard with all the keys to come even close to recreating anything near a decent sim. Lotsa keys to learn, radar modes, weapons, a great big manual to read, etc.

And since my computer is getting old/ancient (3+ years old with no upgrades), I'm pretty limited in all the new games. But I have been hooked on Janes USAF for some time.
game consoles vs pc's

Yeah,i hear ya as far as how PS2 flight sim games are more arcade like then PC flight sim games,but they sure are easier. Maybe the PS3 will have a keyboard and have a ton of memory like modern day PC's do,but untill then,i allways like trying out any kind of combat flight sims,whether they are on game consoles or PC's. Ill have to admit,that the game console games get boring rather quickly,unlike their PC counterparts,when it comes to combat flight sims. One thing i would like to get into would be the online gaming with combat flight sims and get huge dogfights going with real people rather then computer opponents.Anyone dogfight online style? What kinda hookups do you need and whats the cost?

I really like Janes F/A-18 Hornet. If you don't mind flying a Navy jet, I think it has great game play and a pretty good campaign.

whats next?

I think i used to have that one at one point,but gave it up because my computer couldnt handle it too well,thats the biggest con with PC flight combat sims,unless your computer is up to date,you never know if it will work good,whereas with PS2 and XBox,they allways work,but are kinda limited as far as terrain and missions go. Are there any flight combat sims that cover the globe like MS flight sim does? Im waiting for the day when someone comes out with a combat flight sim that details real world terrain,all the way around the globe.It would be fun,but would probably turn everyone into biggy piggies from being glued to the computer,as if some arent chunky monkeys allready!;)


Almost forgot,that is a reality now.MS has done so allready with their combat flight sim series as far as global terrain goes.Not as detailed as MSFS 04,but better then having mileage limits on terrain and worrying about leaving an area.
I loved EF2000 back in 97-99. Also A-10 Cuba was fun back then, but I cant even get that to run now.

If you want the best there is right now, go for Lock On. It does require some cpu power, memory and a good video card.
I only have a PC, so I am not much help for the x-box and such...

but I you want to workout flying simulators, i would suggest Combat Flight Simulator (the original). Out of the box is ok, but when you get into flying online...that is a whole nother ball game.
You cannot imagine all the stuff that you can download and fly with. The CD just gives you stock WWII European Theater aircraft and locations.
I have downloaded the ARK Royal (British Aircraft Carrier) that I like to land my circa 1984 F/A-18 Hornet on....it is a real task!

You can even download a Star Wars X-Wing Fighter and fly against a Spitfire!!

CFS3 is a better game to play off the DC and (I think) less fun online. The realism is almost too real.

let me know if you want to know any more.....check your six!!!

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