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Be-76 Duchess X-feed ?

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If both engines are operating properly then there is no reason to be crossfeeding an engine. The only reason to be crossfeeding is if one engine is inop or is running rough due to fuel starvation, water in the gas, or some other problem with the fuel system on that side. In these situations, you would turn the fuel selector on the inop or rough running engine to OFF and turn the other fuel selector to CROSSFEED. This would enable both engines to run from one tank. This procedure is listed in the Emergency Procedures section in the POH and is only recommended for emergency situation in level flight. Hope this helps.


So what you are saying is if I have water or some other problem with the fuel system on the right side, I should shut off the fuel to the right engine and then put the left engine in crossfeed, which will probably introduce that same problem to the left side. Sounds like a receipe for a double engine failure.

I won't be turning on crossfeed until I am pretty sure that the problem that shut down the first engine is not fuel contamination or vent blockage, etc., certainly not unless there is some altitude involved.

You need to go back and understand the Duchess fuel system better and the nature of multi-engine emergencies. I notice you are an MEI, really, go back soon. There are serious errors in your thinking, the killing kind.

And please explain how turning off one selector and putting the other in crossfeed allows both engines to run off one tank.

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