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ATP Younger than 23?

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2004
Does anyone know anyone, or of anyone who has receieved their ATP prior to their 23rd birthday. If so I'd like to know how they did it? Thanks.
Can't do it anymore, I tried about 3 years ago. The rule used to be, if you had the time, and were under 23, you could take the checkride, and receive the actual certificate on your 23rd birthday. For some reason they changed it, and now you have to be 23 to take the ATP practical test.

There was never a time when you could actually have the certificate prior to 23. The only thing was you could take the test prior to 23, but couldn't exercise the privileges until you were of age.
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pilotlbs said:
Does anyone know anyone, or of anyone who has receieved their ATP prior to their 23rd birthday. If so I'd like to know how they did it? Thanks.

I knew a guy who did this; he got a letter from the FAA saying that he was qualified except for his age, and got the certificate when he turned 23.
Not only can you not take the checkride, but if you are under 21 you cannot even take the written exam. I tried to take the ATP written as a 20 year old with the understanding that if I passed it would not expire because I currently fly for a 121 carrier. I took the issue from my local FSDO all the way to OKC, and was finally informed that I have to wait until my 21st birthday to take the written, and my 23rd to take the practical.

Well bummer... Oh well, I appreciate all the input guys, thanks for taking the time to help my out.
knewhigher said:
I tried to take the ATP written as a 20 year old with the understanding that if I passed it would not expire because I currently fly for a 121 carrier.

121 at 20? Congratulations! Not saying it's impractical, just that it take some serious determination real early on to do that.

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