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Atkin Air (Lincoln, CA)

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2004
Anyone know much about Atkin air out of Lincoln, CA? Word has it they're getting more KingAirs lately? Hiring?
Not hiring from without...but from within. We just picked up one of their pilots. She claims they go from w/in to 210 to Seneca to 414...then hold for a while before the King Airs. She didn't want to wait and wanted to get some single pilot alone time in an a/c.

I don't know much about that fbo in Lincoln, CA but I know of an fbo in Lincoln, NE that is always hiring.
They do hire outside pilots...Just hired two more pilots for the Hawker 800XP and three pilots for the KingAirs. They added one more KA 90 making the total 5 BE90's and 2 BE350's.
Saw an Atkin Air pilot (gal) in Tulare today, 2/15 (Big AG Expo...I mean BIG!) She wasn't smiling in the restraunt. Maybe it's because she had to fly a Seneca!! (I hate Seneca's...anybody want about 300 hours of Seneca time??? I'll give you the pages from my log book...I'll take the hit!)


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