You are the PIC. You are the "god" of the aircraft. No matter what Air Traffic Control (ATC) says, you can legally do what you want (assuming emergency).
Unfortunately you continue to use this abomination of the English language even after the continuous admonitions to the contrary. The first letter of every sentence is capitalized. The letter "I" is always capitalized when used in the singular. Use commas, they enable educated pipples (somewhat inside joke) to understand your sentence structure.
You will find that it is the "small" things in aviation that will get you killed or violated. I am very inexperienced in aviation so take this with a grain of salt. Accident chains are not composed of large mistakes....they are small mistakes that compound to create an extremely large problem. You do need to "sweat" the small stuff. If all else fails, jump out....skydiving kicks butt!!!!
Unfortunately you continue to use this abomination of the English language even after the continuous admonitions to the contrary. The first letter of every sentence is capitalized. The letter "I" is always capitalized when used in the singular. Use commas, they enable educated pipples (somewhat inside joke) to understand your sentence structure.
You will find that it is the "small" things in aviation that will get you killed or violated. I am very inexperienced in aviation so take this with a grain of salt. Accident chains are not composed of large mistakes....they are small mistakes that compound to create an extremely large problem. You do need to "sweat" the small stuff. If all else fails, jump out....skydiving kicks butt!!!!