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ATC contract negotiations?

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Anybody know what the outcome of ATC's contract negotiations a few weeks ago was? They were talkin' about taking a huge cut on the salary cap... from around $125k to $80k, I think... among all sorts of other BS cuts on ATC QOL. I hope like hell that didn't happen.

FAA retains power to impose contract

There was a vote in congress June 7 to keep the FAA from being able to impose a contract as easily as currently. A majority of representives voted in favor of this proposal but for it to pass a 3/4 vote was needed and only 65% was had. Check out fairfaa.org or natca.org for more info. I believe a pay cut has been imposed for new controllers and a five year freeze has been put in place for current controllers but I'm not positive.
IHateMgmt said:
Anybody know what the outcome of ATC's contract negotiations a few weeks ago was? They were talkin' about taking a huge cut on the salary cap... from around $125k to $80k, I think... among all sorts of other BS cuts on ATC QOL. I hope like hell that didn't happen.

Yeah, unfortunately it did happen. HR5449, which was supposed to make the FAA go back to the bargaining table with NATCA, failed to pass in the House. The FAA didn't wait too long before sending out the new pay bands to waiting CTIs.

I'm a May '06 CTI graduate, and I'm not putting up with this crap. I'm going to continue with my flying career, which is what a lot of people are doing as well. Good luck to the FAA...they're going to need it in order to fill those ~12,000 slots in the next 10 years.
disappointed by Bush and the powers that be

When are we going to learn Bush and company are no friends of labor or the middle class. Jet pilots working for less then mc donalds workers, ATC employees taking a major cut. Its insane. The fact of the matter is $100,00 a year IS middle class in most major American cities. The majority of us get by on less then that, because we have to. Its a sad state, aviation in the United States. Yes thats a simplistic view, but overall I think its hard to fight the facts.
unreal said:
Yeah, unfortunately it did happen. HR5449, which was supposed to make the FAA go back to the bargaining table with NATCA, failed to pass in the House. The FAA didn't wait too long before sending out the new pay bands to waiting CTIs.

I'm a May '06 CTI graduate, and I'm not putting up with this crap. I'm going to continue with my flying career, which is what a lot of people are doing as well. Good luck to the FAA...they're going to need it in order to fill those ~12,000 slots in the next 10 years.

I'm with you brother! It's a damn shame what is going on the other side of the radio with their labor issues. That new contract that was imposed is a sad reality of what our industry is becoming. I am also with you, I would rather fly than put up with their bull********************. That new contract is a joke....no lunch breaks outside the building, structured training where they'll check you out on two scopes and leave you there, and the new classification for how you are paid based on sectors, not the entire facility combined.
unreal said:
Yeah, unfortunately it did happen. HR5449, which was supposed to make the FAA go back to the bargaining table with NATCA, failed to pass in the House. The FAA didn't wait too long before sending out the new pay bands to waiting CTIs.

I'm a May '06 CTI graduate, and I'm not putting up with this crap. I'm going to continue with my flying career, which is what a lot of people are doing as well. Good luck to the FAA...they're going to need it in order to fill those ~12,000 slots in the next 10 years.

I'm very sorry to hear. I used to tell people that I wish I didn't love flying so much, cause ATC is the best job in the industry. I guess I always thought that they were pretty immune to this type of sh*t. DOES ANYBODY CARE ABOUT SAFETY ANYMORE? The old saying is still very relevant... you get what you pay for. This is terrible news.


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