I need to know the gouge for the ASA interview if anybody knows. The only gouge I found is almost two years old. Anyone knows what sim are they using, what are they asking in the interviews?...etc. Thank you.
Unfortunately, we haven't hired in over a year, so the gouge you have is probably the best you are going to get until some of the newly-interviewed go through the ringer. I hear that it will be basically the same with just a couple of tweaks on the technical/cognitive. Your face to face interview will probably be a lot like the gouge. Sim sessions will be in either the ATR or the RJ. Don't worry about knowing the plane. They'll tell you all that. Just fly it.
I can tell you that they are more interested in hiring folks they can do a month of 4-days with than someone who can recite all the minutiae of aviation. Basic knowledge of charts/plates/FARs is essential.
I interviewed two weeks ago for ASA. As you know it was a two day proccess. Day 1 was a one on one with the sim instructor. It tool about 30min and he asked a whole bunch of ATP type questions. After that we went into the CRJ 700 sim for about 30min each. The sim profile is standard takeoff, standard rate turns, vor track, hold and then an ILS full landing If you pass day one you progreess to the next day which is a written test then a one on one interview with a line pilot. Lots of tech questions, lots of situation questions. Good luck.
Just one bit of advice that's common sense but made a difference in my interview/hiring.
Make absolutely sure you have copies of all the documents/info that they ask you to bring i.e. medical, license, Passport, etc. I had the copies with me and was able to produce them quickly when each one was requested. The interviewer was very pleased and commented that it normally took something like 15 minutes to get all the paperwork done and we did it in 5. I got a peek at my original application several month later when I was updating it and the only comment written on it was "Very well prepared. Hire this guy!" My interview went OK but wasn't anything special so I have no doubt that I helped my case by having my paperwork handy.
Again, this is all "Interview 101" and if you are prepared you will have already done it. It's just an easy way to score some points with the interviewer.
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