1. mabye the end of the month...mabye the end of the year...mabye the end of the decade....(severe pilot shortages are about all we have going for us to end it soon)
2. RJ is running July 04 new hires i think and the ATR is a couple of months behind that (Aug?)
OCP.. His screen name says it all.. Would almost fly for free. Uh hu.. that's why the regionals can get away with what they do. Hey free, don't come to ASA, there are other regionals that will take you for free.
Had the name for a long time and back then that sounded cool, had no idea what was going on or I would have gotten out long before aviation got under my skin.Whish I had the money for a new name got any suggestions (have fun with that). Yes I tried the search but it is hard to weed through the BS. Take this post for example 3 of 4 posts are BS.
1. Who the hell really knows. More negotiationg dates later this month, but who really knows. This contract was up in 2002, 5 years ago.
2. I believe upgrade is around 4 years right now, and will probably go down as we are trying to upgrade approximately 20 a month right now.
3. No growth right now. All the movement is due entirely to attrition. That should give you an idea of what people think about this place. People bailing out left and right for other opportunities.
If you do come to ASA, which I don't recommend until we get a new contract, you will most definately be working "almost for free"
Great pilots, fun flight attendants, and an exceptional group of instructors will make ASA as enjoyable as possible. Step outside of that small inner circle, and well............
PS Bring a sense of humor...it's all you may have to get through some days around here. :beer:
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