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ASA contract

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2002
Anyone know what is in store for the new ASA contract? A friend of mine called me tonight asking because he found out he is now in the pool. Can anyone out there shed some light on what the "top" things ASA is going for with the new contract. I heard they were trying to match Comair.
I heard they were trying to match Comair.

No insult intended but if matching Comair is the end result then I am outa here and outa flying.

If the new wage scale for the industry is going to stay at this level then why waste anymore time, career wise, in a dead industry.
rjcap said:
No insult intended but if matching Comair is the end result then I am outa here and outa flying.

If the new wage scale for the industry is going to stay at this level then why waste anymore time, career wise, in a dead industry.

Good. With retirements being the only factor towards attrition, every seniority number counts. Hopefully you are senior to me.

Best wishes in you new career. Have fun working for a living.

I'm not sure of it all, but my guess is Delta will not do much of anything for ASA's new contract at least in the near future.The fact that ASA has not furloughed anyone is a big statement in it self, pushing a contract through is not priority in my opinion. But I really do not know.

I think with a little effort, we could negotiate our pay into deficit levels as others have done. C'mon, it'll be fun.
FL000 said:

I think with a little effort, we could negotiate our pay into deficit levels as others have done. C'mon, it'll be fun.

Givin the climate, I am not sure we have enough leverage to negotiate a concessionary contract, but we can sure as he11 try.

:D :D :D


I think pilot groups are better served to wait out contract negotiations in this environment. NWA airlines extended their current contract and said that they will wait until better economic conditions to negotiate.

I don't think the Comair or AWAC contract signals the end of the upward push for pay on small jets. As the economy improves I truly believe that some regionals will sign another "Industry Leading breakthrough" contract. Remember the Comair contract didn't just raise the bar for pay but also for retirement, minimum days off, scheduling, trip and duty rigs, minimum duty days, deadheading pay, etc... In future contracts their can be more focus on pay since the other items are more in line with mainline.

I don't have a crystal ball but it is my opinion that 5 or so years from now the jet regionals will have top captain pay topping 170K and company funded retirements that will be more in line to the majors. Its really simple economics. If the Majors could keep 747 captain pay at 80K a year they would. But they can't because of the power of the unions and the threat of strikes. The majors have spent decades negotiating better and better contracts even with the occasional temporary pay cut.

Most of the growth in this industry is in the deployment of small jets. It's only a matter of time before their will be parity between regionals and mainline based on the size of the equipment. Just take a look at the regionals ten years ago and compare them to now. Remember that B or C scales are temporary situations, history has shown us that.
Most of the growth in this industry is in the deployment of small jets. It's only a matter of time before their will be parity between regionals and mainline based on the size of the equipment. Just take a look at the regionals ten years ago and compare them to now. Remember that B or C scales are temporary situations, history has shown us that.

I share your optimism. I believe my post read a little too negatively. The intent of my post was for ASA to continue to raise the bar not only in scheduling improvements but also pay and retirement. I too believe that as the RJ growth continues that the disparity in pay will begin to diminish.

As far as extending the current contract you can forget it. The regionals are making the money for the airline which includes paying those fat salaries for mainline pilots.


Not so fast pal.

Are you telling me that flying 20 days a month for D scale wages is not working for a living ????
rjcap said:


Not so fast pal.

Are you telling me that flying 20 days a month for D scale wages is not working for a living ????

Attrition is attrition. Ya can't blame a guy for hoping...;)

I haven't worked 20 days in a month for at least a year. Regardless, it pretty easy compared to hot tarring roofs, or pouring concrete. That's all.

Your point is well taken, though. We must raise the bar, and we will. I think the industry will look a lot different in 10 years. What it resembles in the future, depends on what we are able to accomplish now.
You can check the progress of our contract on the company web site asacontract.com. I expect we will see Comair plus a few percent, better quality of life, etc. in about 2.5 years.

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