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rjcap said:
That was the same rumor for July. However, we ended up adding lines to the 50 seat and 70 seat stayed about the same if not more.

Anymore doom and gloom Sleepy ?

No, I'm pretty happy now. I just found out that Scott Young is gone, and more management changes are to follow. I was aware that Skip was not too pleased with V.P Young. I also know that he was causing problems in the contract talks (pretty much messing up the whole IBB thing). Now I hear that more management changes could soon follow. This could be good for our pilot group if Skip puts the right people in place. Perhaps his desire to quickly settle our contract (within one year) so that DAL will allow us to continue our record growth is going to be reality.
I just read that Young is gone! Sleepy, I think your right. We need trip/duty rigs pronto! A little pay increase would be nice as well!:D
>>Is there going to be a expansion in august and september or just in september?<<

It won't be an "expansion", it will be a 'shift' from ATL to the DFW hub. Keep in mind the company as a whole is LOSING the total number of airplanes due to the EMB retirements.
Things will get better!

Just got off the phone with the RJ trng dept. We are due to get 6 50 seaters this year (which as stated earlier, are dircet replacements for the E-120's) and we will also get 15 70 seaters next year. When those 70 seaters start to move in, advancement will start to happen again. I to was told that there are approx 100 E-120 guys left, and R.L. in training stated that it would take them untill the end of Aug to complete. The one thing that surprised me is that he sated that they (training dept) were to get ready for new hires after the E-120 guys were done. What they will fly is anyones guess.
Additionally, I JS'd with the ATR fleet manager a couple of weeks ago. He stated that all of the ATR leases were extended to 2005. Delta did send a purchasing team to France about a month ago for more ATR's but the French treated our team so badly that they left just after 3 hours. He dosn't think we will be buying any more french products. He also stated that the ATR's were becoming a maint nightmare and costing quite a bit to keep up and may possibly be let go in 2005. He dosn't know if Q-400's are in order (common cockpit with the CRJ) or additionall CRJ's.
Only thing for sure is that if you don't like what is going on in the industry right now, wait a minute and it will change.:eek:
Sniff Sniff

I heard the ATR's were pretty good money makers for ASA. It brings tears to my eyes to think that the French don't like us....so sad. Keep that money in the states! I do hope you guys start hiring, would really love to fly for ASA.

:D :D :D
>>We are due to get 6 50 seaters this year (which as stated earlier, are dircet replacements for the E-120's) and we will also get 15 70 seaters next year. <<

Correct. But keep in mind, thats 21 airplanes to replace 31. = a LOSS of 10. The prelims for August show displacements from ATL to DFW on the CRJ.

There are no ATL displacements to DFW. The only displacements in ATL are a few guys being sent from ATL CRJ-700 to ATL CRJ-200. The DFW displacements are mostly from the EMB, with a few really junior guys getting kicked of the DFW CRj-700 by more senior folks. There are also some DFW CRJ-200 captains getting sent back to the right seat. Not a good mood in the DFW crew room these days (probably not much different than ATL has been for some time now). Not a good sign!

Bottom line-We will be overstaffed for quite some time. Let's just hope we don't have to furlough. I don't expect any hiring until well into 04. Not to worry though, Comair is growing like crazy while we shrink.

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