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ASA Classes

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Well-known member
May 1, 2003
I just talkd to a buddy of mine today 6-22-03 and he is in transition training going to the RJ from the Brasilia. He called to tell me that Friday the training department was telling the current transition class that possibly starting next month there would be ten new hires a month going to class out of the pool. Any Candler guys know anything about this ?? Thanks
Not likely.

While I certainly hope that is true, I wouldn't expect to see any hiring at ASA this year. The last E120 scheduled E120 flight is 7/31, and there are still about 100 E120 pilots waiting for classes. The training dept. has been running classes of 20 every 2 weeks. I don't think they'll be done filling classes with E120 guys till late August/Early September. When all the E120 folks are done with training, we'll probably be significantly overstaffed since our fleet is actually declining this year.

That being said, there could be something going on that none of us know about. Just like everywhere else in this business, things change all the time here. What was true yesterday, will probably not be true tommorow.

I certainly haven't heard anything about hiring, but if any other Candler folks have....let's here it! Good luck to those waiting for classes!
Yes....Doesnt seem likely. The jet FO's that have been here less that a year are getting burried under Emb transitions, and our lines are decreasing as Comair is taking more from ATL, and Chat keeps growing like crazy in DFW! I personally will drop 40-50 in DFW, putting me back on reserve, where we'll have like 50 reserves for 108 lines. So, I doubt well need any pilots for quite some time. My reccomendation for anyone looking for a job is to try Chautauqua. You will move in that company 100 times faster.
We sure do seem to have a lot of pilots on reserve right now. The only explaination for any hiring would be some new expansion. I am not aware of any expansion plans at ASA. Maybe we are going to open a new hub to cover any potential Chit strike? Now there is a rumor for ya.

Keep in mind that CMR has lost all of the DFW flying except for ONE turn from CVG. 5DFWORD turns....gone, DFWSAT...gone, DFWIAH...gone, DFWCRP....gone, DFWIND...gone, DFWSDF...gone. CMR has lost as much if not more flying than it is picking up in ATL. CHQ and SKSLTS are picking up the extras. Don't blame your brothers and sisters at CMR. If you think CMR is growing at your expense. Well, you need to let me know and I will explain what is happening over here.
Yes but look at all the ATL routes COMair has picked up! I dont blame anyone, or am mad, whatever. Its simple though. ASA has been "transitioning" more flying to DFW from ATL, where there is going to be expanded routes added /announced in Sept. And Comair is picking up those routes in ATL we had to drop to cover the DFW flying. Whereas Chit is taking from Comair in DFW. Bottom line- Tthere are only so many airplanes to go around. We really cant grow anymore. All that is going to happen from now on, is flying being shifted from one hub to another and from one carrier to another.
Just heard from a senior training guy that we still have a 150 or so EMB pilots to transition. This includes the DFW guys.

Thats going to take until October/Novemebr until it is completed. We are still taking delivery of new aircraft.

What to look for in coming months;

Expanded flying out of DFW - announced Sept ?

Hiring/interviewing near the end of calendar 2003.

A renewal of replacement of the ATR leases which expire in 2004. The a/c is a money maker but is a maintenance problem.

Contract, give it another year. If Skip negotiates a new pilot contract without a strike or work slow down he will look like a genius to Leo.
The memory of the Comair strike is still very fresh in Leo's mind.
As I understand it, we are giving around 40 lines of ATL CRJ flying to our "brothers" at Conair in August. If true, I don't see how ASA can continue to pay all of these pilots to sit around doing nothing. I would expect to see a displacement to DFW or furlough, not any hiring anytime soon.
As I understand it, we are giving around 40 lines of ATL CRJ flying to our "brothers" at Conair in August

That was the same rumor for July. However, we ended up adding lines to the 50 seat and 70 seat stayed about the same if not more.

Anymore doom and gloom Sleepy ?

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