What ever money you were planning on spending on multi-time you could use to get an MEI. Then, if your current school does'nt have any multi trainers then find one that does. At this stage of your flying, you shouldn't have to pay for time. Be patient, get your MEI and get the 135 mins. Remember, in our industry, it is often who you know, not what you know. Take time to visit 135 operators in you area, meet their pilots, and just be friendly. I know many pilots that got their start by being in the right place at the right time and knowing someone inside and being known as a "good guy" (or gal)
I already have plans to get my MEI. However, in order to instruct in our twin, you must have 100 hrs multi for insurance purposes. Therefore, I still need 50 more multi hours
As for the 135 mins....I'm 100 hrs short of the cross country requirement. So the multi time building will also be spent building cross country.
So I have several positive reasons for getting this multi time at Ari-Ben. I was just wondering if anyone knew any info on their reputation as well as maintenance.
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