I had a great military flying job in 1975. Then Saigon fell, we downsized the military, pilots recruited and trained for the war suddenly found themselves riffed, moved to non-flying jobs, and non-promotable. Then in 1991 we had the "Peace Dividend" again riff, non-promotion and movement to non-flying billets followed. I bailed in 1977, got a flying job in the reserves. 18 months later I am getting letters from the Navy, sayin g they are short of pilots, would you like to come back. The gov't is a fickel employer, watch what happens if the "I will quit Iraq" candidate gets elected.
That is true. I lived through the early 90's riff and now the military is paying for it as they are screaming for pilots from these year groups. It is very easy to get back in the military now if you were in a flying MOS (152, 155, 153, ect.). I know of one guy that was working a great civilian job for several years and ended up going back on Active Duty just to reset his retirement to todays pay rate. He is probably going to do a 3 year tour and then retire again. He said it is very easy to get back in if you want to. Be prepared to go overseas though.
Another thing about that 'riff' in the early 90's was they were offering money to pilots that retired early. I know several that took the money and then came back on several years later and were not required to pay that money back.
I don't know of anyone that was kicked out due to not being promoted. I agree with what you are saying though.