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Application Fees? wtf

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Nice try on the flamebait, Jetsnake.

Your unfortunate "swallowing" comment quite aside, I am not the one who is bitching about anything... Trivial or not.

If it's this trivial, why do you feel the need to escalate into silly insults? Indeed, why are you in this thread at all?
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A LOT of companies charge application fees of one kind or another.

This is common in a wide variety of industries and companies, not just aviation.

The organizations with the most app fees that I can think of is higher education. Colleges/Universities have fees, to help cover their costs. Should your kid not go to college because she/he has to pay an application fee?


I URGENTLY request that all of you who are pee'd off by application fees DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT apply for a job at that company! Do NOT pay the application fee!

Now that I shall be furloughed soon I need to increase my chances of getting another job. The fewer of you that apply, the greater my chances.

Thank you all in advance.

If you want to dance to the music, you must pay the piper . . .

I appreciate Yip's comments about application fees, to a point. However, I always thought that background checks, recruiting costs, etc., were a cost of doing business, are expensed out come financial statement time, and are factored into pax and/or freight fares. Accordingly, I believe that app fees are a cash cow for at least one or two regionals, especially those which charge $50 to apply (I complained about $15 app fees thirteen years ago.).

I also submit that only the applicants whom the companies intend to interview are sent for background checks. Few are interviewed compared to the number who apply, and pay. I would also submit that the actual cost of these background checks, screenings, etc. is much less than the app fee. Therefore, profit is made, especially on those thousands of applicants who will never be brought in for interviews.

Having said all that, what are you going to do? Not apply? Of course, app fees are wrong, but if you do not apply to companies who charge them you just might be cutting your nose to spite your face. Besides, app fees are tax-deductable if you itemize.

Good luck with your job search.
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but seriously folks.....

putting aside weather or not the personality test makes a difference...i mean...if my captain or first officer would agree or disagree with being a bowl of jello instead of ......oh....good god im starting to ramble again...anyway

realistic concerns going forth. concider this one from a questionable and fictional as yet to have started this operator...yes pay for concideration online to see if we like the way your brain is wired, then pay for the resume application processing fee to submit your resume online after the test, then pay for interview fee on top of the hotel stay and travel to get there, then pay for training after they say you got a job if youre RICH ENOUGH!...(or at least can get a loan or cosigner.) . it could be here soon! just you wait! i really shouldn't be giving out ideas like this tho.


true, theres enormous piles of resumes on the desks of not just airlines and box haulers. but EVERYONE. how do they control that? hire someone to deal and diseminate extensively with that big pile only. otherwise they would fall so far behind normally. how do they recover that expenditure to solve the problem of resumes? recovering the cost of all this manpower? they don't unless they create another source of income for that purpose. AH-HAH! pay for concideration online. that way they dont even need to take alot of phone calls on the subject. another side benefit is they LIMIT how many applicants there are cause some are just opposed to or dont want to pay for concideration online. hmm. nice. good result. they WONT CARE if youre opposed to it. they still get enough resmues and good qualified candidates. the fee pays the personality test fees and pays for the people to organize and file the paperwork of the people that qualify to be potentially interviewed soon. so its not just paperwork its lookin at the stuff to see if these people are worth seeing in person. i understand this and actualyl sounds like a good idea. however, there needs to be a better way thats more cost effective for everyone involved, including the applicant. not everyone can afford to do this very many times in a week. anyone know the ticker symbol for Bay State? Bay State sounds like one of those companies that people bill through to buy online porno.

now, enter me. poor pilot. near-broke trying to make enough money till i can fly again. I CANT AFFORD very many of these online fees! "im working this third job just to pay for all the fees online" How many a month will i have to do? i did 50 resumes in two weeks. imagine, before long it will be 50 online applications in that ammount of time? (50x$35=CHA CHING!!) and how do i know if it was successful if my computer disconnected cause i can only afford the cheap dialup not DSL? do i have to go pay for it again cause it screwed up somewhere? how do i know they actually got it? all it takes is one simple mistake and a file gets erased on their end by accident...oh darn. i dont see my paper resume going blank in their file cabinets. it might get corrupted but its still legeble. unlike a corrupted resume data file.

so i say, this is the future! and to think they called it the boogey-man when we were little! its gonna come out of the dark and get you!

WE have no choice. If we want to fly for a good company we will have to pay for these fees. where do all of the resumes go? to the best companies. how do you explain everyone wanting to go to Southwest Airlines? well...they changed too. its not optional anymore...to interview now their application fee is a 737 TYPE RATING! suck up that one time fee.
Blame the FAA

You know, none of us would even be talking about "screening fees" if the FAA properly screened people as part of the commercial application. Why are they willing to print a pilot license to anyone? Do they care about the quality of applicants?

No, they just want their fees too.......

IP Freley, I happen to be one of those people that's still stuck with enormous cost from flight training (I think you can buy 2 hummers for it). Why? because the jobs I had were the ones that pay burgerflipper salaries.If you see my profile, I'm out of a job. The first one that paid well, but for a very short time. My unemployment pays just enough for rent, not even the regular bills (since its based on the lousy job I had before the 727 deal). I did join AEPS, becuase a company that hired me did the background check through them, they had a jobsearch page and organized jobfairs and had an extensive database regarding companies They might be bankrupt, but the website is still up and jobpostings keep coming (very slowly though). I never send the check to Fedex or AA (they generated $1million a year with the ap fee). I don't know what AA was looking for. I know no one at any of the companies I flew for that got hired there, except several females.
A lot of interviews are the result from someone walking in your resume, very often bypassing the normal app proces. It happened to me at a carrier that had an app fee. They never asked for it. So if you have a group of 20 interviewees, 18 with recommendations, and 2 out of the stack of resumes (just happened to be the last 2 that came in) then everyone else is acting as a cash cow. And since there are so many resumes, most of them go straight in the trash. If someone is needed, just wait for the next bunch to roll of the fax.The sad thing is that most of the companies that ask for an app fee are ones with very low pay, the exception being the YIPpilot company (and yes I would love to work for you if I could live away from the ghetto), and air whiskey
By saying "hummers", do you mean the $100,000 all terrain vehicles, or the thing that lady offered me on the street in NYC last week?

Because $20 doesn't seem like a lot of money to owe for flight training.

Back to the subject...

I wonder if these application fees are tax deductible. I'm sure there is a loophole somewhere.

My views on application fees are simple:

1. Pay the fee and have a chance at the job, or
2. Don't pay the fee and have no chance at the job

Your choice.
Don't see how it's okay for AirWis to charge you when you show up, but undignified to simply submit the application in the first place.

Although I'm strongly against app fees, Air Wis seems to be doing the right thing. I applied to SkyWest twice, ('89 and '90), paying $15 per application. After paying the second time, I found out that they won't hire anyone from the east coast. This was quoted from the HR guy. Thanks alot.

When I flew for Mesa, I grossed 9K. I applied to United and found out that they wanted $50 for their application fee, but it was waivable for "financial hardship." After applying and trying to waive the fee, United wrote back and said I wasn't qualified to waive the fee because I was employed. If anyone wants to tell me that I didn't want the job at United bad enough, I will gladly argue with you. I was barely able to pay rent. Thank god for my crashpad roomates who helped me out when Mesa screwed up my paychecks. If United guaranteed an interview, then I would have given it more consideration. Basically, I couldn't even afford one application fee, let alone countless others.

For those of you who are heavily financed by mom and pop, congratulations to you, but there are alot of us out there who don't have that financial lifeline. Some of us have families to support too. It's disgusting how alot of qualified pilots aren't going to be able to apply while others with money get the shot.

I know for a fact that many of these companies use interns to do alot of the application sifting. Guess how much they get paid... NOTHING!

Oh, by the way, application fees are tax deductable.

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