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Anything near St. Cloud MN?

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Well-known member
May 16, 2005
I will be a junior up at st. cloud state this fall. I am trying to find a flying job during the school year so when I graduate I'll have enough time to head somewhere decent. The problem is, I can't find anything near by. To be an instructor there, they want you to graduate first, thus eliminating my chances of flying while I'm still in school. The closest airport to instruct at would be about 40 min away; which would be difficult to do with my classes sched. There is no skydiving, banner towing, fire patrol, gliders or anyhting near by that I know of. So I am curious if any of you know of anything up in that area? Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks
when i was there the Civil Air Patrol was looking for pilots, especially flight instructors. If you can get through all the paperwork and red tape its a great deal with some exciting missions

Also, there is an active wings of mercy program where you could get to know some people with airplanes and network.
WA (the flight school) has waived that rule in the past. Did they outright decline your application or did you hear it through the grapevine?

I hear they are looking for people (who isn't?). Play up the "I'm in school and thus won't leave in 3 months after I build myself up to 500tt". One place almost wet themselves to get me on board with my 800tt and 500 dual given and the fact that I hate living away from friends and family (and thus won't be leaving soon).
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