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Anyone know any 135 (small aircraft) in ATL Area

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As previously briefed!
Jun 27, 2004
I have a good buddy who is looking to fly freight! He has about 1300 hours. He is not real current so the regonals are not a very good option for him right now!

xkuzme1 said:
I have a good buddy who is looking to fly freight! He has about 1300 hours. He is not real current so the regonals are not a very good option for him right now!


Have him check out SATsair - it operates SR22 Cirrus aircraft. Certainly ain't freight but it would be interesting 135 experience with some great glass on those Cirrus aircraft. Have him do a search on these boards if he is interested.
xkuzme1 said:
I have a good buddy who is looking to fly freight! He has about 1300 hours. He is not real current so the regonals are not a very good option for him right now!


What makes you think he would be good to fly 135 if he was not current?

He is current, but it's the interview for the airlines that he is not ready for. He has flown alot of complex AC. Stuff like the BE-99 and 421, but he is going to need a few weeks to brush up on all of his systmens questions just for the interview. He is in no hurry to get to the airlines either. He just wants currency and he wants to remain current by flying prof.
xkuzme1 said:
He is current, but it's the interview for the airlines that he is not ready for. He has flown alot of complex AC. Stuff like the BE-99 and 421, but he is going to need a few weeks to brush up on all of his systmens questions just for the interview. He is in no hurry to get to the airlines either. He just wants currency and he wants to remain current by flying prof.

"Not real current" + Flying Freight = Tragic Loss

Not Real Current is like being a little pregnant. Either you are or you're not. Proficiency is the same way--either you are or you're not. Your post is like saying, "I have a friend who is looking for a sales job, but he's not really that good at talking to people. Anyone know where he can get a job?"
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Flight Express is a 135 operator out of FTY with 210s. They are always hiring. Current flying job is not required to get hired.
FLX and Ram Air possible

Flight Express is hiring like all other 135 ops but, do not let someone lead your friend to believe that its a cakewalk. They will let you know upfront that you are expected to fly down to mins and will drop you from training if it looks like you are getting behind on the aircraft during the flight training portion. Its good experience flying with bare min equipment. I left about 7 months ago but when I left most new hires where heading to Tampa, Kansa City or Cincinatti but I heard they reduced the runs at that base. I was there for 6 months and I do not recall additions being made to ATL but it may have changed. Ram Air I believe have pilots based in Albany and Columbus GA, not sure about ATL but its worth a look, but the same thing again about being prepared to do the job. I suggest have your friend get some sim time if not time with a safety pilot and put in 5-10 hours. And the sim doesnt have to be simcom level, a decent PC one at a flight school wil help get the scan up to where it needs to be. Hope this helps.
since when are regional interviews brain busters?

quote : by Xkuzme1, "he is going to need a few weeks to brush up on all his systems questions."

most regionals are struggling to find guys with 500 hrs. some will take you if you have a pulse. pulling gear in an rj will certainly bring him up to speed. to say he isn't ready when a complete sim based training curriculum would more than get the cobwebs out, is to maybe suggest he isn't that a great of a pilot, or lacks alot of confidence.

i can't see waiting in this climate. most interviews consists of a few questions , a logbook check out, and basic knowledge test out of the aim.
I have never heard of them asking anything about systems especially for an airplane he hasn't flown. Plus what could be difficult about a basic piston electrical system or gear actuator? i'm selling this. somebody has misled this guy.

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