Even worse: The postmaster wanted this contract, not to save money for the post-office, but because FedEx offered him a position on it’s board of directors. Talk about conflict of interest. Lack of integrity. Backroom deal.
FedEx: “Pst buddy. You give us this contract, we’ll give you a corporate job” Sounds like something the mafia would do.
If I had a delivery company, the last thing in the world I would want is to have the Postmaster on my board of directors.
The Postmaster General was a Clinton appointee, we should have seen this coming.
This thread has absolutely nothing...repeat NOTHING to do with ALPA. Don't you think there are enough threads on this board where you can spread your "message"?????
Some of the "USPS" and "Emery" 727s you are seeing are owned by Emery. They are flown by Ryan crews. Although ALPA probably had nothing to do with the initial deal with Fedex and the USPS, ALPA did guarantee that the 500+ Emery pilots were kept quiet by putting their fledgling union in "custodianship" under the direct control of Duane W. himself. ALPA national pulled the rug out from under our own elected officials by this action and attempted to shut down our website. We have since relocated. Take a look at either www.emerycrew.org or boxhaulersplace.com for more intrigue on all of this. Some of you might be asking: "Why would ALPA do such a thing?" It's called the bottom line: cash. They just brought on FedEx pilot group, and the money they are going to get from membership far outweighs any amount they would get from dues from 500 pilots from the "king of the scumbags" of the dark side.
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