I realized it is time to switch occupations. I'm opening up a fly in pizza place where you can get wasted eat some pizza and then go bore a hole into the ground
Good things come to those who wait,, this verbage is not so false and rings true most of the time.
Listen man I have 1300 plus too, I am waiting, BUT I am NOT complaining about. You should feel lucky to have a pool spot. I work at walgreens while I wait and am finishing a Masters of Science Degree. O yeah when the market sucked really bad I flew cargo, not a bad deal! Do I want fly ASAP! Sure just like u.
You should stop and listen to yourself. I dont know you. I am sure your a great guy/gal but just re-read your posts. When have you ever said I can wait? Why can't you Wait? Why don't you instruct part-time? Your not on reserve yet. I would kill to have the op to instruct part-time instead of scan items at walgreens, but no work here for MEIs'
The market now is filled with variables, good and bad. So if you were hired and now in class you could be furloughed or even worse you could fly 1 day on IOE and get furloughed like my friends.
Things could be worse off bro. Just sit back for now and don't give up your goals cause you can't wait a few months or more.
Thats all we are talking about,, months, not years, not decades, just a few months.
Put it into perspective and then you will realize how your time before 1300 has gotten u one step closer to your dream.
But hey if you want to start a pizza shop go ahead I be sure to wave from FL240! JK
4 real if this is not 4 u now, then don't get into the career, cause in time it will become a job and you will pay some prices.
Hey if you only have 1300hrs and you're already complaining, just quit now and find a new career. What this industry DOESN'T need is another full time crybaby. Give your spot to someone who wants to keep their mouth shut and work a little.
I'm in the same position you are. I was "suposed" to be the 8/23 class at Skyway. I found out on the 21st it was canceled. I had already quit a high paying flying job, and moved out of my townhouse. I have a wife to think about also. So you are not the only one in a bad position. I suggest you suck it up and quit bitching. I know it sucks, but deal with it, or find a new career. This will likely not be your last disapointment
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