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Any word on CommutAir hiring?

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2002
So CommutAir has Cleveland route, correct? Are Continental Express pilots in training now for those jobs? How many guys accepted the position verses were recalled by COEX?

ETA on street hiring or from the stack of guys that were at the Air Inc. job fair in Dallas?

Thanks for any and all info...
Commute Air is taking some furloughed pilots at coex, but the first 30 or so coex guys/gals on the list, coex is paying them not to go because they will be called back shortly. This way they don't have to pay for the training cost twice so to speak. The ones that do go to Cummute Air have no obligations and can go back to coex when called back.

hope this helps
Yes, thanks for the information.

Any word on beginning interviews of non coex?

I met Emmanouil Katsompenakis at the Dallas Air Inc. job fair, how is he on calling to check in, I know some don't, any thoughts?

Thanks for any and all help.
Just like to say that Commutair is a great place to be, everyone in the training dept. and elsewhere in the company are awesome. Mano "got some bananas" is about the nicest guy you'll meet in any training dept. and he knows his bleep, bleep, bleep.

I've since moved on but keep very up to date as to how things are going over there.

Take care,

an old rochester f.o.

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