Need some suggestions and advices or an ideas here.
My situations are,
A wife and 2 young sons( 4.5yrs and a 5 months )
Due to upgrade to B777 in the desert.
Wife have said she would return to US when the little one turns 5 and I personally would like to return home in the future.
My original plan was to get as much PIC times(min 1300) as possible so that I can apply to SWA. I know things can change and the job may not be available after 3 years. Now, I think for me would be better to go home now and to have a good career with Netjets, and the stability/ QOL for the family.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Need some suggestions and advices or an ideas here.
My situations are,
A wife and 2 young sons( 4.5yrs and a 5 months )
Due to upgrade to B777 in the desert.
Wife have said she would return to US when the little one turns 5 and I personally would like to return home in the future.
My original plan was to get as much PIC times(min 1300) as possible so that I can apply to SWA. I know things can change and the job may not be available after 3 years. Now, I think for me would be better to go home now and to have a good career with Netjets, and the stability/ QOL for the family.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.