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Any Info on PSA??

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Active member
Aug 25, 2002
Just wanted to ask if there is any good/bad news going on at PSA! I heard that they have stopped interviews and do not plan to continue until after the first of the year. I start class in OCT and just wanted to see if there is any good info floating around out there.
Also does anyone know if there is a PSA Crew Board anywhere?
Just curious, Good Luck to all!
I heard from someone in the training department the reason we stopped hiring for the moment is we have no sim time left due to all the new upgrades and new hires going through training now. We are still very short staffed due to our crews constantly getting junior manned and extended on a daily basis. It seems like a lot of the furloughed guys we hired after Sept 11 are bolting and considering sitting on unemployment rather than getting abused by our crew schedulers. I would too, life at the Majors is a 100 times different than at the regionals.

I think good things will happen here eventually but I'm not sure when that will happen.
Thanks for the info Meanstreak


I will agree with that, I have a friend who just got through his first 4 weeks of ground and is preparing to go to sim. They told us at the interview that they were going to start cuting class size down due to the back up at the sim. I think the class that is to start Sept. 16th was cut in half with the other half starting 2 weeks later and then my class starts on Oct. 21st with only about 5-6 people. Anyway, I really dont understand your statement about some people leaving. I mean jobs are hard to come by right now and why would you leave a company that has a pretty good oppurtunity to expand rapidly after the first of the year and that you have pretty good senority with. I just dont understand if people are really doing that but, it only helps me climb up the senority ladder that much quicker. Anyway thanks for the info and keep it coming. I am always interested in what is going on with U and PSA and the other WO's.
What I meant about people leaving was, we hired mostly furloughed guys from TWA, US Airways, Continental, Emery, ect. I would say 50% of those we hired from furloughed airlines used to work here before. I see the business aspect in hiring some of these guys back. Most if not all were Captains when they left, therefor the company would save tons of money and time not having to retrain these guys. Also when you hire experienced people you usually don't have to worry about them failing out of training.
It seems to me a lot of these new hire guys I fly with have a big chip on their shoulder because they are back at the regional level making pennies on the dollar than their used to. Just my opinion. Don't get me wrong we have some good guys back and I wish them a fast return to the airlines so I can get out of here also.
I personally like working here and I'm glad to have a job. Good luck with ground school and I'll see you on-line in a few months.

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