As an 11+ year AF guy who always was looking at the airlines, but now thinks he might drink the blue koolaid and stay for the long haul... I think it's time to finish the Masters Degree. I just took a new assignment that'll take me somewhere close to the 14 or 15 year point. At that point I'm close to committed it I can get one more good assignment.
I figure I've got a couple of options and would appreciate any advice or information you guys might have on different programs or experiences you might have had with them.
Option 1 - ERAU online - I've got to do the online degree since I just took an overseas assignment and I'm pretty sure with the location and schedule there isn't anywhere to take the classes. I've got 12 "transfer credits" for ACSC and Safety School, plus one ERAU class I took years ago. So we're talking 7 classes and I end up with either a management or safety specialization.
Option 2 - Touro University MBA - Couple friends of mine have done it and said it was fairly painless. ACSC count for 2 classes and I'd need to do 9 more to get the MBA.
Couple of reasons for getting the masters. I know it's masked at the Lt Col selection board, but usually your boss knows and it will probably help in the promotion possibilities. never know what'll happen after the military and a masters probably can't hurt. I'd just like to get one that is fairly worthwhile (but not too painful...).
Yes..I know I should have done this a long time ago. I look back at my time in the AF and, yes..I could have done it earlier. That being said, it's time now to pony up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I figure I've got a couple of options and would appreciate any advice or information you guys might have on different programs or experiences you might have had with them.
Option 1 - ERAU online - I've got to do the online degree since I just took an overseas assignment and I'm pretty sure with the location and schedule there isn't anywhere to take the classes. I've got 12 "transfer credits" for ACSC and Safety School, plus one ERAU class I took years ago. So we're talking 7 classes and I end up with either a management or safety specialization.
Option 2 - Touro University MBA - Couple friends of mine have done it and said it was fairly painless. ACSC count for 2 classes and I'd need to do 9 more to get the MBA.
Couple of reasons for getting the masters. I know it's masked at the Lt Col selection board, but usually your boss knows and it will probably help in the promotion possibilities. never know what'll happen after the military and a masters probably can't hurt. I'd just like to get one that is fairly worthwhile (but not too painful...).
Yes..I know I should have done this a long time ago. I look back at my time in the AF and, yes..I could have done it earlier. That being said, it's time now to pony up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.