Just wondering what anyone's experiences were like during the interview for an ANG unit. ie, questions asked, if they hire outside of the unit, etc. Also, if you know some insights on any fighter units, 114th in particular, that would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Lets see well the 114th I believe had a board last year but only interviewed "in house" guys.
As for guard interviews do a little searching I know www.studentpilot.net has some good info if you do a search under "military flying" forum. Just use keywords like "guard interview" or just "interview" and you will get plenty of info.
As for my own expereince guard interviews are mostly the same with small differences in questions : why do you want to fly for us? what do you like to do on your spare time? why should we pick you? do you know about our mission? what makes you think you can survive UPT? Tell us a good joke. Would you have a problem killing someone? What do you think about innocent human shields and your mission interfering? and just all the typical human resource type questions. It all about how you present yourself and if they think you are a guy who will watch thier back as well as be cool when your sitting in some desert tent fighting war. They want to get a feel for who you really are. Be yourself and dont ever miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut, the last one I went to a number of guys interviewing made asses out of themselfs trying to be someone they were not while hanging out.
Here is a question we ask. You'd be surprised how many get this one "wrong."
"What are your plans if we don't hire you?"
Answers heard, “I don’t know, try civilian flying. I have only wanted to fly for this unit."
Sounds correct, stating how strongly you feel about the unit, but wrong.
The correct answer should include a statement about how you've always wanted to be a military pilot, and you do anything to become one. If the unit doesn’t hire you will march down to the active duty recruiter and sign up. This statement tells us that you are more interested in the military side of the business then just getting multi-engine turbine time.
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