Talon is right in saying that a lot of times the info on baseops.net is out of date. However, I still think it is a good contact list. In my opinion, it is best to apply to as many units as possible. Unless you have a large wallet, travelling around the country to visit all those units can be a little costly. Sometimes, an electronic search is the only way to go. I did everything on the internet from expressing interest in a unit to scheduling my interview. Why? Because I live in AZ and the unit is in NJ. I never met anybody in the unit until the day of the interview. I received the unit's blessing of sponsorship a week later. Frankly, I think the man upstairs really opened some doors for me, because it is rare for something like that to happen. Usually, they do take people they know a little bit already. Worst thing that can happen when you apply to places that do not know you is you getting an e-mail saying thanks but no thanks.