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And you want to work@Mesa

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big dog1

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2002
I have a question concerning our "move days". I am a DHC-8 CA
out here in MIA. We got our notice that the base will be closing
as of June 15. The bid package for bid 16 shows flying up until
the 15th. After that all the lines show between 7-9 days off in a
row, then reserve shifts. I called Crew Planning and Standing
bids. They said these days off that they provide are to be used to
move to your new domicile, PHX, DEN, or GJT. No hotel will be
provided in your new domicile while you look for a place to live.
"No exceptions"
My problem is that I am on a vacation that was awarded months
ago during those days. Standing Bids refused to move the
vacation to a week later even though we are over staffed. Debbie
Miles refused to drop any reserve days after my vacation so I
could move. It seems as though i will have to use my vacation
days to move from Miami to Phoenix. Not cool.
Can they do this??
do you know how to use your ALPA website? Post the same question there or call your rep!
Another "YES" Voter????

This is the shape of things to come.....I knew it and voted NOOOOO!!!!!
No jacka$$, I `m just trying to find away to survive this crap that were in. I’m not going sit here a point fingers at people and say I told you so. It is bull$hit, we need to fight this. Yeah, I know everyone at Mesa voted no, thats what I keep hearing.

Put a lid on it Darryl....dufus....with an attitude like that, I hope ya get JO'ed......
Re: Jackass?

ChinaClipper said:
Put a lid on it Darryl....dufus....with an attitude like that, I hope ya get JO'ed......

The infamous China Clipper. What does it mean to get JO'ed? Tell us! Do you have first hand experience? Is that like getting Christlized?

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