There are several issues here, one dealing with foreign ownership of a Part 135, secondly dealing with operational control of the aircraft.
The main complaint here is that TAG, a foreign company, is using AMI as a subterfuge for getting around the restrictions of foreign ownership when it is obvious that TAG controls the purse strings and the relationship with the owners and in many cases the crews. Therefore you have two major violations. This is exactly the reason they changed the ops specs in the first place.
I think that companies like EJM and Delta Air Elite may have problems as well. The main problem is that the crews for the most part have been hired by and are paid by a different employer, mainly one who owns the aircraft, and has, despite differnet agent relationships or employment contracts, from their standpoint operational control.
Checked with a buddy of mine who works at EJM and was told they already went through the same inspection TAG did and no problems were found.