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Ameriflight 91 Trainers Position or SW US jobs info

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Hey I was wondering if anyone here knew the details of the 91 PA32R trainers Ameriflight keeps posting every few weeks online. QOL and Pay sepcifically. I was looking at relocating out to the Southwest, and Burbank or even Oakland were areas I wouldnt mind. If anyone has leads on jobs out in the southwest area then that would be cool also. I'm doing 135 cargo on the east and gulf coast now. 2000+TT with low multi less than 40. Thanks for any help.
The PA32 Training Captain positions are pretty much what they sound like. You train new hires on the PA32, training them to fly the airplane to Ameriflight's SOPs. (standard operating procedures) You would train them and sign them off for their checkrides. Ameriflight would put you through the training first, (ground school, flight training, etc.) so you would know exactly what you're teaching. I believe hours can change depending on aircraft avialability, but would mostly be mon-fri 8am-5pm. Most PA32 Training Captains seem to move up to PA31 Training Captains and sim instructors. Later on, if interested, you most likely would have a good shot at eventually being a full time pilot flying the line at Ameriflight. The time frame of that depends on their need for line pilots.

I am not sure about the salary. Maybe someone else can chime in with that.

Hope this helps!
As far as I know there is no more training in the PA32's as they are phasing them out. Maybe only 1 or 2 runs exist in the Lance right now. I know they are hiring training captains to start in the Chieftain, but your multi time may be a little low. Burbank seems to be staffed pretty well with training captains right now, so you'll just have to apply and call pilot recruiting to get an official heads up. I think most people are getting on with around 500+ total time and at least 100 multi. Good luck... Getting on as a BUR training captain has its advatages. You'd find yourself instructing in a BE99 right at or before 1200 hours.
osy007 said:
more planes and growth are available at airnet. they are always hiring and you start out in the twin...you'll be in the jet in 1 year.
Eh...are you SURE about that?

Taken from the Airnet website:
"The company operated a total of 130 aircraft, 114 for its cargo airline and 16 for its passenger charter airline at March 31, 2005 located strategically throughout the United States."

Taken from the Ameriflight website:
Over 170 aircraft serve some 200 communities throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico from our operating centers across the continent.
Airnet has several Caravans in the fleet, whereas Ameriflight is getting rid of all their PA-32s. Both would be a good outfit to work for, IMO.
If you want turbine PIC why would you go to airnet? Upgrades to the 99 are as little as 3 months. Or you might start in the 99 right off the bat. Isn't upgrade to the left seat of the Lear 1 1/2 to 2 years?
Any Ameriflight guys chime in if i'm wrong, but I have a buddy working there and he mentioned the Lear upgrade is pretty long considering they only have a handfull of them, and most guys move onto other jobs before they've been working there long enough to see a Lear opening... but then again I could be wrong.

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