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American Jet International

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Nov 27, 2001
Interviewing soon with AJI at HOU and was hoping to hear from some AJI pilots. Sounds like a good op. Curious about QOL, how the bonus incentive pay works, frequency of flights, average trip (days), and also the 30 min. restriction. Does that mean you have to reside within 30 min drive of HOU or 30mins is the callout time allowed altogether? Long time reader, first time poster so thanks to anyone who can shed a little light on this for me!
Aji Hou

Try sending "LJDRVR" a PM. I'm pretty sure he worked there for a good while (successfully).

AJI, nice folks. You have to live within thirty minutes of Hobby. There is a one hour callout time. And by callout, I mean gear in well NLT 60 minutes after your pager goes off.

If you want to work at AJI, there are several qualities you should possess. If customer service is not your forte', don't bother. A pilot at AJI is also a flight attendant, aircraft cleaner, concierge, baggage handler and dispatcher. If you're not willing to proudly roll up your sleeves and take a lot of pride in being able to accomplish all of those tasks, then AJI may not be for you. There is no average trip. You'll have eight days where you'll only get called out once, and other eight day periods where your pager is going off right at 10 hours of rest. Not too many overnights, quite a few all night long air ambulance or organ flights. Again, they're going to put you to work, and when the pager goes off, you're going flying.

I won't comment on their pay system, as I no longer work there. Ask during the interview, you'll get straight answers. AJI pays its crews well. If you're a hard worker and show up with a consistently good attitude, they'll go to bat for you no matter what. I've seen several medically grounded pilots who continued to work in support positions until they left of their own volition or got their medical back.

You will grow and develop as a pilot. I've got 19 countries in my logbook, and have done flights that are simply amazing from a standpoint of getting to demonstrate a lot of airmanship. The crew force are a good bunch of folks, easily the very best part of working there. You'll get to really know the people you fly with.

Go into it with your eyes open. That pager will dictate your life. After almost six years of its shrill beeping, I needed a change and control over my life. But I'd do it all over again in a second. I wouldn't trade my experiences there (Good or bad) for anything. Great job.
wOw.... LJ, are you sure your first name isn't Roger or Chuck.. JK

It was my dream to fly for them. I live 50 minutes away and can't move closer and didnt want to lie about it. They are the Ted Nugent of 135... Workin Hard, Playing hard! Now I do Contract flying for them with another Quailty 135er up north.
I just did the phone interview a few days ago--sounds like a great place to be. What's the story on upgrade/advancement there?
I just got called for the phone interview with them. There is a King Air PIC position open right now, and I was wondering what the advancement/upgrade opportunity is for them right now. How many overnights can ya expect a month? If there are any current AJI pilots here on the board, I would like to talk with ya about your experience there(PM me). AJI seems like a very quality operation and any information woudl be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys for all of your help!
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