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am i qualified for any type of work?

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2002
1450 total
325 multi
100 turbine

is there any job out there for me? 135 trained but i cant get any flights at my 135 operator(too many pilots right now). am i qualified for any regional? i have sent resume after resume with no luck.
You can definetly get a job at Comair, but you will need to go to a job fair to even get an interview. Your resume alone being sent in will not do it. Let the recruiters see you to put a face to a resume. I'm 98% positive you would then be offered an interview.
You can go to the local FSDO and ask for a list of 135 operators in your area. They will print it up, complete with names and phone numbers, then start hammering out resumes. I know at least one pilot who got a job this way.

Good luck!

thanks for the reply ACE. I stopped at comair's booth in dfw. They basically laughed at me and told me to come back when I had 3000 hours. it sucked. so needless to say, i'll go back to a job fair when the market turns around.
I think you are qualifed, but . . . .

wannab0133 said:
1450 total
325 multi
100 turbine
It's extremely tough right now (duh!). I know. Times were very similar ten-twelve years ago when I was trying to climb the ladder with the quals you see at the left. No turbine. No 135 time or letter. I had timed out; by the time I was ripe hiring all but stopped and I became overripe. I probably was too old for H.R's liking.

On the other hand, I was instructing but was still flying airplanes for a living and putting food on my table while plenty of other, more experienced pilots were happy to bag groceries at Publix.

Keep pitching. I'd also suggest very strongly that you get your ATP when you hit the 1500. The cost will be tax-deductable. Get it in a single if a twin is expensive. An ATP is an ATP.

Best of luck to you.
Chautauqua is hiring...

They do have a truck load of resumes on file and one (maybe two) people sifting through them. Drop yours in the pile via mail, email and fax. That should get some attention. Also iniclude a cover letter.

You are qualified for numerous jobs, it's a matter of getting your foot in the door.


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