Two other points I would like to add.
Generators typically start producing power ~1,000 rpm, higher if the generators are old and worn.
Second, generators don't require excitation voltage, meaning you could 'jump start' an airplane with completely dead batteries and the generators would produce power and charge the system.
Alternators need excitation voltage, some amount of battery voltage to polarize the field winding. This is probably the only benefit generators have over alternators.
Remember the generator operated light on your bicycle ? the light output varied with wheel speed.
Generators typically start producing power ~1,000 rpm, higher if the generators are old and worn.
Second, generators don't require excitation voltage, meaning you could 'jump start' an airplane with completely dead batteries and the generators would produce power and charge the system.
Alternators need excitation voltage, some amount of battery voltage to polarize the field winding. This is probably the only benefit generators have over alternators.
Remember the generator operated light on your bicycle ? the light output varied with wheel speed.