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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2004
Hey guys and girls I'm going to throw this out to everyone... Most of the Legacy carriers are starting to hire again, which is great.. But if you don't really want to work for that group DON'T TAKE THE JOB!!!!!! Interview, get the practice.... BUT DON'T TAKE THE JOB.. Especially if you had people crawl out on that limb for you..
I recently had a friend of the family call to help him get an interview, got the job and quit within his 1st year. Gave me a call with, " hey I just wanted to let you know I'm in class down in Atlanta". Great I'm happy for you, your family is there you can be home every night fantastic.... But why did you tke the job here if you really wanterd to work there.... WTF
I`d have to say youre probably right, but if you dont want to work for the company thats interviewing you and youve done your home work, then DONT interview with them, Right, if the company stinks from the get go them dont waste your time going to an interview, its just wasting your time and taking up someones time who might want to be there, but then again this is ones mans opinion!!!!!!!!

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