I've read all the threads that I could find about Alpha. Just a couple of questions. Any updates on the interview process? I might have one coming up and I was curious if there had been any big changes.
How is training. I have a multi engine ATP, but I'm curious if you do a single engine ATP. With whom? The FSDO?
On your 7 days on are you mostly on the road or back in base? I prefer the road, but just curious.
Any realistic chance of getting airline miles? Seems like you would not airline much being based with the airplane.
Looks like a neat company and I think I'd like to be a part of it. Thanks!
How is training. I have a multi engine ATP, but I'm curious if you do a single engine ATP. With whom? The FSDO?
On your 7 days on are you mostly on the road or back in base? I prefer the road, but just curious.
Any realistic chance of getting airline miles? Seems like you would not airline much being based with the airplane.
Looks like a neat company and I think I'd like to be a part of it. Thanks!