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ALG and PDT Pilots Ratify Thier TA

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2001
Today the ALG and PDT pilots ratified their repective TA's. Now all three WO'ed pilot groups have a ratified TA. ALG ratified theirs by 57%, PDT by 86%.
Piedmont Pilots Ratify Proposal to Support US Airways Restructuring
Thursday October 10, 3:57 pm ET

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- The Piedmont pilots, as represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International, today announced that they have ratified a tentative agreement (TA) to participate in the US Airways Group's restructuring plan. Of those who voted, over 86 percent of the pilots supported the proposal, which also will allow them to fly jets as part of this arrangement.

The TA, which the pilots reached with Piedmont management on Sept. 27, 2002, will take the form of a letter of agreement, revising the pilots' current collective bargaining contract and extending it by five years. Since April of this year, the Piedmont pilots have been in talks with management to address the acquisition of small jets for their carrier. Shortly afterward, the talks included the airline's request for contract relief, stemming from the US Airways Group's financial challenges, which later led to its bankruptcy filing. Piedmont previously has been restricted in its ability to fly jets because of a scope arrangement with US Airways.

"We believe that our Negotiating Committee parlayed the best deal available to us under the circumstances, and we credit our pilots for recognizing the seriousness of the present situation and the need to act now to be a part of the US Airways Group's future," said Capt. Olav Holm, the acting chairman for the Piedmont pilots' Master Executive Council. "It was a tough decision, but I believe our pilots made the right choice."

Piedmont is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US Airways Group. Its 450+ pilots operate deHavilland Dash 8 aircraft as a US Airways Express carrier to 48 destinations in the Eastern United States, Canada, and the Bahamas.

ALPA represents 66,000 airline pilots at 43 air carriers in the U.S. and Canada. Visit the ALPA website at http://www.alpa.org .

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Source: Air Line Pilots Association, International
I'm not real familiar with this particular situation. Re: the scope situation, was this a jets for jobs deal?
YEEEEEHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang on for a wild ride ya hear! Any news on the FA and mech. TA's yet?
Yea, the two remaining WO have bowed down to the extorsion that is jets for jobs!! I am completely ashamed to be a part of it. the WO's in the short time we have remaining have set a new standard for whoring out the industry. This p.o.s. will come back and haunt every regional in the country in one way or another. Now that the scum that runs ALPA has set a new bar for what "big" airplane drivers are allowed to do!!!! I had better not hear about any WO pilots putting down any other pilot group now! It was wrong before, now it would be a complete joke. Also all you cowards that voted yes for this crap don't bother trying to convince me "it was our only chance" just save your breath for the unemployment line

one Ashamed, disgusted, and completely dumfounded soon to be ex ALG pilot.
Why would ALG pilots vote against Jets4Jobs (over 40%)? Are they insane? Guess what - USAirways is in bankruptcy - it can shut down your Dash 8 operation... Do they not want to fly jets someday? Can someone flying for ALG explain that to me?

Sure, ALG pilots will likely lose some benefits and not receive "top" RJ pay, but wouldn't it be better to assure yourself of a flying job - and one that puts you in a jet? Your parent company is in bankruptcy and you decide to vote against a measure that would likely secure jobs (not a guarantee in this economic climate for anyone) and upgrade you from a prop to a new, sophisticated jet... That doesn't make much sense to me.

So, what's the deal? What are the benefits of voting against the USAirways proposal? Help me understand during a period when many, many pilots are becoming unemployed...
lumber yak, the reason it does not make sence to you is you dont understand what all is involved with this. to sum it all up THERE ARE NO GUARENTEED ANYTHING!!!! other than our concessions that is. and our repayment of our wages to the company, and giving up our furlough protection. Im too disgusted to go on but Im sure somebody will chime in.

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