These are the same idiots that said US would be the first to go when in reality they'll be #3. Alaska bankrupt I don't think so. Bought yes, bankrupt no.
At the end of 2009, Alaska had the best cash/revenue ratio, NWA was right behind them at #2. DAL was next to last just ahead of USAiR and right behind UAL at 8-9-10.
What? No AMR? Where's the love--Arpey is working day and night to piss off the unions so someone will strike so he can file.
He still walks his mansion at night wondering why Carty didn't file in '03 when they had the chance. Eagle would be the largest domestic carrier right now...
For help, we'll turn to our 150,000-strong Motley Fool CAPS community, where members give the thumbs-up or thumbs-down to some 5,400 stocks
hahahahahahah....that's like taking a survey on about what airline is going to be the next to be bought-and then speculating in the stock and then wondering how your trade could have gone so bad. hahahahaha!
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