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Airline CEO's!!

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I don't know where they come from but it seems that very few see "eye to eye" with us grunts out on the front line.
I would think the best CEO would be someone who worked their way up from the slums and was'nt just planted near the top via an Ivy League degree.
Jeepman said:
3 months ago our CEO took a 20% cut in pay.

Every time he has to fly he rides in the jumpseat and tells the guys, "Well, you've got me for the next ??? ask anything yo want"...

Jerry Atkin of SkyWest is unique in that he actually espouses true leadership qualities. Character, competence, trust, & trustworthiness (words of Stephen Covey, not me). Kind of refreshing in an industry where most leaders announce paycuts, then vote behind closed doors to give themselves bonuses & golden parachutes.
You beat me to it Ben Dover.

Jerry Atkin does have a repution for good leadership.
He started at my age with Skywest and turned it around ever since.
Not surprising to realize that people who run things honestly are at companies that have the most motivated employees . They in turn help provide a better product thanks to the moral boost that comes with effective and conscious leaders.
Those other vampire CEO's should get a clue.
Keep these things in mind when deciding some day who you would like to work for. (Some day!)
......From the David Letterman top 10 list of best airline CEO's

1. Jet Blue CEO (capped himself at 200K a year & HE HAS 9 KIDS!!!
2. SkyWest CEO (he's almost too nice)
3. Southwest ex-CEO & founder (Don't know much about the new gal
4. No more decent CEO's
5. No more decent CEO's
6. No more decent CEO's
7. No more decent CEO's
8. No more decent CEO's
9. No more decent CEO's
10. No more decent CEO's

.....And now the David Letterman to 10 list of worst airline CEO's

1. Jonathan Ornstein (Also considered a direct dissendant of Satan)
2. Frank Lorenzo (He was close to the devil, but not as close as J.O.
3. Don Carty (At one point very proud to have gotten pay concessions from the hardest working employees for American, while securing retirment for the worst at American)
4. Leo Mullin (After John McCain blasted him for accepting a million dollar bonus while asking the government for more money he simply said, "I ABSOLUTELY need that money for my 5 houses with their associated mistresses that live there")
5. Glenn Tilton (Hi, I'm Glenn and if you don't take a 30% cut in pay you will be truly-royally-screwed over. However, I am still making a million a year blus bonuses THANKS JUDGE!!! )
6. To many dirty CEO's!!!
7. To many dirty CEO's!!!
8.To many dirty CEO's!!!
9. To many dirty CEO's!!!
10. To many dirty CEO's!!!

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