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Airline CEO's!!

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2003
Where do the airline CEO's come from?
Where do they usually go to school?
Do they work their way up?
some of them come from within the company and some are CEO's, presidents or COO from other companies

alot fo them have business management degrees from well known Universitys


AA's old CEO Carty and New CEO are a good example of the diversity
Thanks beech200pilot.

As we have seen in the recent past, some CEO's really lack integrity, so I was just wondering how they got to such an important position without showing their true colors before they got to the top. I guess they learned business in school, but were never taught the values of integrity.

I am not including all Ceo's, of course. Just the ones that can enjoy their luxuries while others are out of work trying to provide for their families.

I guess I could never be a CEO, I would feel bad taking a bonus while others are taking a pay cut.
Ornstein is the f.ucking antichrist!!

he dropped out of college in pennsylvania then as a broker later was convicted of securities fraud!
Airline CEOs are like fruit cake and cheap $2 ho's. They get passed around and around but nobody likes them. After they screwup an airline they get a new executive job based on cronyism and connection rather than merit or competence.

Then again, what do I know?

PS pass the weed...
True'er (?) words were never spoken. A ten-spot says Carty is back B---F---ing another flying establishment somewhere with in 6 months.
Oh yes ATR-DRIVR, where else can someone get "dismissed" from one job only to get a job somewhere else right away simply because they have experience? Experience screwing up I guess. I once heard that no other industry recycles its executives who have messed up more than the airline industry. At the last company I was at, there was a rumor that the VP of marketing once worked for the company, then was "let go," went to another airline and helped run it into BK, and then was hired back at our company. Hell, they even had one COO that only lasted for about 4-6 months before quitting with a $100,000 severance package because it was in his "contract" that if he left within a certain time frame, he would get that amount.
3 months ago our CEO took a 20% cut in pay.

Every time he has to fly he rides in the jumpseat and tells the guys, "Well, you've got me for the next ??? ask anything yo want"

He's been the CEO of the company for 25+ years, he actually saved it back in the 70's and it doesn't look like he's stepping down anytme soon. He also usually says hi to most of the newhire & transition classes.

I don't think he went to CEO school. He sure doesn't act like one.....or maybe he does?
Our CEO commutes out of the great state of NY to put in a tough 4 day week. The BOD gives him an allowance for a nice penthouse/apartment to crash at. Used to be at Atlas. Then Sky Chefs. Oh, by the way, he claims that since he bought Big Sky, he has nothing to do with us at Measba. Haven't seen nor heard from him in 6 months. Instead we have this other character who is called a COO. Former Dispatcher. Former middle management at NWA. He runs the show now, or at least takes orders from his cronies at NWA.

This is kind of a weird comparison, but pilots are much like CEOs. Just looking for the next better paying gig. Sky Chef today, Mesaba tomorrow. For the pilot; Mesaba today, UPS tomorrow. We all just get traded around like a baseball player.
greyhound said:
Where do the airline CEO's come from?
Where do they usually go to school?
Do they work their way up?

They usually just crawl out from under rocks, take what they can and then retreat back into their holes.

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