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Air Wisky or ACA

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Sep 11, 2002
I have job offers from ACA and Air Wisconsin, beside the fact that the ACA class is going to be a while from now (2-3 months), which one sounds better. I am almost 100% sure where I am gonna go, just looking for some opinions.
I might be biased but it's not ACA :D

Contracts better.
Pay is better.
Upgrades shorter.
Coast to coast & international routes.

To name but a few.
ACA has upgrades to the J41 in 6 months. Where do you live and what's the potential commute looking like? Who's growing the most? ACA. Flight benefits - Unlimited Write Your Owns on the international/domestic United/Express Network and as of Oct 1st.....free benefits on the Delta/Connection domestic network. $10 each way Canada/Hawaii/Alaska. ID95's International. :)
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It's all about what you want. Do you have $1500 bucks burning a hole in your pocket? That's the low end of what you are going to spend on a hotel while in training with ACA in Virgina. AWAC will put you up in your own room and REALLY PAY YOU WHILE YOU ARE IN TRAINING, not the $200/wk that ACA provides. It's all about what you want...


I definitely agree with the Air Willy recommendation--and I'm at ACA!! This is not to say that ACA is a bad place. I've been very impressed with many aspects of ACA, especically the training facilities and instructors. Almost everyone I've met here is very cool and helpful. It's a nice place to come to work. The pilots who came from other regionals are full of very positive comparisons. Unfortunately, the lack of financial support during training is bush league--but I've heard of worse.

The reason I think AirWis is a better option, however, relates to the quality of life on the line. That's the biggest factor contributing to job satisfaction, in my opinion. There's a great thread in the general formum about "Unrealistic Expectations" that goes pretty far into the QOL issue (it's a great read by the way). As far as QOL goes, I think Air Wisconsin is head and shoulders above all other regionals, including ACA. Skywest is another good option, but AWAC has better work rules (days off etc.)

In addition to quality of life on the line, Air Wis has the best pay, great growth opportunities (read: faster upgrades), solid management, and mostly happy pilots.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck to all,
"As far as QOL goes, I think Air Wisconsin is head and shoulders above all other regionals..."

Ok. I've listened to some of ya'll rant on and on about how great Air Wisconsin is and I'm sure it's a fine company and the contract seems better than most but it isn't 'head and shoulders' above everybody else. Is it one of the better ones? Unquestionably. Is it in a league of it's own? Nope. SkyWest seems to be pretty darn good. I'd rather they were part of the national union, but that's another issue. My personal favorite, Comair, is overall every bit as good as Air Wisconsin. Some parts of your contract are better than ours and vice versa. As an example, I'm a fairly junior line holder at CMR. I always get 14 days off a month including Sundays. I'm averaging 92+ hours pay per month and I'm grossing $3600 per month. My schedule is almost always 4 on and 3 off. I get decent medical/dental, company paid retirement on top of a 401k, medicals paid for, and arguably the best nonrev benefits in the industry on DAL. I was getting per diem and a hotel from day one through IOE. I'm pay protected for displacements due to weather or mechanicals. I'm guaranteed 75 hours pay per month. I have a commuter clause that works.

Other than nitpicking individual parts of the contract how and why is AWAC 'head and shoulders' above everybody else? Growth? Your future looks good and so does CMR, SkyWest and ASA just to name a few. Pilot group? All I know is that my fellow pilots here at CMR have proved their mettle and brotherhood like nobody else has recently. Company attitude? I've been treated fairly and well at Comair.

Hey, I'm glad you appreciate how good Air Whiskey is and I tend to agree with you that they are a great company. Congrats on securing a job there. Nothing personal, I just wanted to defend some of the other airlines that are great places to work as well, in particular Comair.

BTW, Capt Morgan, IMNSHO Air Whiskey probably has a better contract than ACA but I'd pick the company that has a domicile closest to where you already live. Commuter clause or not, commuting sucks. Congrats on both job offers.
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Hey at least you have a choice. What a beautiful position to be in. I always use the rule where is the most advantageous place to get stuck if we wallow in a recession for years to come.

I do love my former brothers and sisters at ACA, but I would chose AW.

Good luck,

Former Blue Ridger
It comes down to this people. Your job is what you make of it. I know guys at airlines who's pay is just above min. wage and they love it there. So, make the best of it and go for it. Another thing that I have said in the past. If you are not happy at your airline you should quit and find something else. I know pilots who sit and complain about everything, but when asked if they have done anything to change its always the same old thing. "NO"

Terry Vickers

Temp loaned to the military
I would pick which ever one you a class date first. I think they are both top notch companies with great opportunity so you will not go wrong with either one. Of course I have been furloughed twice in the past year so I wouldn't put much weight on my advice! Good Luck.
Nicely put Terry nicely put...


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