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Air Wiskey Question

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2002
Does anyone know how junior/senior the new base in ATL is for Air Wisconsin ??

I currently work for another regional and am thinking of jumping ship...if and when Air Wiskey resumes interviewing. I'd like to get out of the Midworst, errr Midwest.

I've heard good things about Air Wisconsin and the contract seems really good compared to our...trip & duty rigs, 12 days off, nicer equipment, etc.

Also, does anyone know if interviews will be starting back up ??

Thanks in advance for any replies.
It sounds like (from this board) that new-hire training should resume in March. I would expect interviewing to resume then or soon after. As for ATL from what I read, it has been junior since inception. I would expect it to stay junior for a while.

just what I have gathered from reading every AWAC post with peaked interest! And yes, their contract is excellent.
AWAC has already started interviewing. Buddy of mine was interviewed beginning of January, and offered a class date sometime in June.

I was hired in 10/02 and I would be bidding number 15 in ATL with 20 lines to choose from (something like that anyway).

Hopes this helps...Mayday.
Left seat in ATL is semi-senior but the right is pretty Jr. for now. If I went there today I would bid #2 but that's a hell of a commute for those of us on the western side of the world.


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