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Air Wis Classes Have Officially Resumed!

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Jan 31, 2002
Just got the call today for a Feb 17th class, there's supposed to be 12 in the class. It's decision time should I go, or wait for a class date with Comair?? Talk to me........ AD
Take the class date, you can always leave AWAC and go to Comair later in the year. But remember, the grass is always greener!!

Best to take any offer that comes along in this industry. AWAC will be a good company to work for. I personally wouldn't wait for a Comair call that may or may not happen when I have a sure thing at Airwis.

Just curious... I see that you are making a lateral move-- one Avro for potentially another Avro. Any reason for it? If you work at Mesaba, I understand:p

What's your seniority # at XJ - Just want to know whether I should send you a thank you note!

Good Luck!
To Be Or Not To Be

Thats great news that the classes will resume. If you are dead set on bailing out of your current position I would take the one that is the sure thing. I don't think you could go wrong at Air Willy. Famous last words! Alot hinges on what United's fate is but I think we are going to see some real growth. I have heard, now realize that these are not facts in anyway at all, that we are going to see considerable growth of the Airtran side. This coming from Airtran pilots. The United side will also see growth but until we know what is going to happen with United I couldn't guess as to how much. The latest is that we will be able to get larger birds i.e. CRJ700/900, again pure guess work. With our relatively small pilot group, growth means moving rapidly up the list. I would not be surprised if a West Coast base opens up in the not to distant future. Again all of these comments a guesses made from what I and other pilots have been hearing from a variety of sources. That said I don't think you would be wrong going to either Comair or AWAC. The only difference being Awac is a sure thing wheras Comair is not.

Good luck with your decision and hope to see you in Crew Room

Dairy Air

P.S. before I get flamed for starting rumors all I have said is not the most reliable info but it is what we have been hearing down in ATL. I would not take it as gospel but I don't think it is poopie either
Hey avrodriver,

I'm another XJ pilot in the pool at AirWis. Thats great they started classes I'll be a class or 2 behind you.

Any other former XJ people that went to AirWis how do you like it compared to mesaba?
Yeah......I took the date, was just hoping I could hear something definite from the Big U before I had to make any commitments. I am very excited to join the team finally and get out of this rut. I am not excited to be at the regional level right
now and to be moving to another brings absolutely no security. I think we
will have a new contract by year end. But I do not believe things will be
changing over night, if we get the jets.....anyone thinking things will move
quickly is dreaming. I am 266 numbers away from being the last guy on
reserve as a Saab Cpt.........that number is not getting smaller, it's
getting bigger. The first NW orders that have not been assigned to a
carrier can be delievered in late 2004/early 2005, even a very modest
delievery rate of two airplanes a month (what 5 cpt's an airplane) means
about 10 guys upgrading a month so about 2 years or so, and that's from
first delivery........and that's to be the last reserve captain on a
Saab, that's what 3-4 more years of waiting on top of the time I already have in will get me.........(yes I know Eagle guys, your in the same boat).That fact plus Big Sky is what is making me leave, they bought Big Sky
for a reason, I hope that reason doesn't end up screwing Mesaba pilots, but
it is a very real fact that no one has been able to offer me comfort about.
I think Mesaba will get jets, but who is to say it is going to be in the
near future. Big Sky could easly get the next batch.......i could go all
day. I just wish things didn't have to be this hard..........Good luck to all! AD............

p.s. I'm surprised at all the people telling me to go to Air Willy I would have thought more people would be weary of the Big U's influence on the future.
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Hey Mesaba...Seeeeeyaaaa!!!!

As a fellow XJer-in-the-AWAC-pool this is great news. Hope to see you guys on the other side!!!

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